Smile And Love Always!

Monday, March 03, 2008

"Lean Not on Your Own"

Have you ever answered a question before it was even asked? Have you ever seen a contestant hit the buzzer on Jeopardy before Alex finished, compelling them to offer up what they THINK is being asked of them? That is what my Mother used to refer to as "Putting the cart before the horse." How could you possibly begin to bring forth an answer if you have not even heard the question in its entirety? A lot of the time, we THINK we understand more than what we actually DO. And once we have HEARD the question we then realize that patience should have been on our side at the moment the question was being formed because we wound up being totally off base and kind of look silly for being too presumptuous for our own good.

Life requires the same patience from us. Too much of the time, we jump to conclusions or offer up our own explanations, when they have nothing to do with nothing, and out of fear of rejection or better yet, CORRECTION, we try to hurry up and justify why our reflexes were working faster than our brains at that moment.

This is exactly what I want to illustrate in the point of the title, "Lean Not on Your Own." I am in the process of learning the importance of "Leaning Not on My Own Understanding" because too often, as the Jeopardy contestants, I have been guilty of hitting the buzzer too soon, answering the question before it was even formed, let alone asked. And just like others, without confession of my act, I tried to offer up my opinions on why my reflexes were working faster than my brain, at that moment.

In order to understand what is going on I need to exercise more patience and practice understanding that is OTHER than my own. I cannot allow myself to draw my own conclusions because being right is not the point. Being UPRIGHT is better than being right. If I am working too hard at being right all of the time, then my understanding will falter, thus hindering my progress, growth and development in a space that is greater than the one that I personally occupy.

I absolutely must NOT lean on my own understanding to avoid the deployment of erroneously incorrect information, further falsifying the truth and contributing to a perpetual cycle of inconsistencies. I absolutely MUST "Lean Not on My Own Understanding" so that I can contribute to the positive energy of the REAL understanding and from wince it came.

It is absolutely imperative to "Lean Not on My Own Understanding" since any understanding contrary to that would be out of sync and not representative of the beginning OR the end of an understanding that is not unique to my birth and will endure long after my death.

I will work harder to "Lean Not on My Own Understanding" because it is simply, "Not About Me." Together we should ALL "Lean Not on Our Own Understanding" and await the question in its entirety before we hit the buzzer and begin to offer up a response.

"Lean Not on Your Own"

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

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