Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Smiles and Glow"

Have you ever found yourself in the presence of a person that possesses a spirit that is undeniable, emphatic, deliriously positive and genuinely real? The illumination is so sincere that it is not just in the steps that they have already taken, but it exists well within the steps that they have YET to take.

Even the Periodic Table of Elements desires to possess the ingredients that composes the happiness and stirs up the emotions of what you have found yourself in the presence of.

An unwavering Faith in knowing what is real, contrived or just for show. A demeanor that begs to differ with any demeanor that is not at least complimentary to THAT demeanor.

Women possess the "Smiles & Glow when they are in love with a GOOD man.

Dedicated and present father's possess the "Smiles & Glow" as they bare witness to the birth and subsequent accomplishments of their children.

Some expecting Mother's possess the "Smiles & Glow" as they gently caress their bellies, pondering the future, anticipating the inevitable arrival.

Mother's possess the "Smiles & Glow" as they watch their children become parents of their own, instilling all the things that are sacred and pure.

The Faithful possess the "Smiles & Glow" as they stand on the Promising Word of their Lord and Savior.

"Smiles & Glow" have a way of righting any wrong that you may have endured. "Smiles & Glow" tell the story of survival because once upon a time those "Smiles & Glow" were probably non-existent. Yet here you stand: Revealed, Healed and full of much needed Zeal!

The very next time you walk into a room, be that same presence that you once found yourself in the presence of. Be that undeniable, emphatic spirit that is genuinely real and deliriously positive.

Should you be unaware, find out what brings about your "Smiles & Glow?" Whatever it may be, keep it in your presence. Whomever it may be, always keep them nearby. Wherever it may be, visit it often. Should it be you, contagiously infect as many as possible as often as possible.

HE represents my eternal "Smiles and Glow."
She represents my Love, "Smiles and Glow."
They represent the legacy of my "Smiles and Glow."

And here's to the longevity of ALL of YOUR "Smiles & Glow."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thought provoking words articulated so beautifully, divinely inspired without a doubt!