Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"All the Love I Can Muster"

I intentionally and vigorously exercise my biceps to hold you with no ambiguity relative to security. I intentionally and vigorously exercise my quads to bend down to lift you up should you stumble and fall along the way. I intentionally and vigorously stretch my limbs in the event that I may need to meet you MORE THAN halfway along our journey. I intentionally and vigorously exercise my triceps to display a show of force that attacks from the side or from the rear should reconsider in their feeble attempts due to the fact that weakness is not an option and strength is my preemptive weapon of choice. I intentionally and vigorously exercise my traps and deltoids to provide the type of support and conditioning that will always have my back. I have intentionally and vigorously exercised my calf muscles to support the "Leap of Faith" that has permitted me to arrive at my current destination.

And I intentionally and vigorously SMILE to ensure you that when the world is frowning upon you, you can depend on me to SMILE upon you.

I conduct my abdominal routines to be able to withstand the blows that are trying to knock the wind out of me. Love has me running in place, doing jumping jacks, bare knuckle push-ups until the pectorals are burning with happiness that they are being formed to stick out as a show of confidence.

My strength is beyond the physical and nothing short of the spiritual.

All that I do is preparation that affords me the opportunity to strengthen me, thus strengthening us in all that we do, all that we are attempting to do and all that we will indeed become.

With "All the Love I Can Muster," my fitness for Faith, Family, Friends, Love and Life tell me that I am built for this.

With "All the Love I Can Muster," a smidgen of nothing will infiltrate the smidgen of Faith that has collected my attention, kept my interest, garnered my Praise and WELCOMED my participation.

With all the strength that I have, I absolutely adore you, with "All the Love I Can Muster."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

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