Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

"Hand It Over"

Sometimes victory is within our hands and we simply "Hand It Over." Sometimes victory is right within our grasp and we do not extend our arms out to reach it, thus we simply "Hand It Over." Sometimes we get tired of trying and our actions just take victory and "Hand It Over."

Sometimes we look to fabricate the truth instead of being part of the truth. Sometimes we say no, when there is no reason NOT to say yes. Sometimes we are the very company that misery loves to keep. Yet we find it necessary to verbalize how tired we are of our predicaments, all the while holding on to the past as if it is our sole and most prized possession.

Well, moving on requires letting go! Moving on requires the mental, emotional, spiritual AND physical action of literally moving on. Fear has no place within FAITH. The two simply cannot coexist.

I am moving on with the rest of my forever. Keep up like your happiness depends on it! Keep up like the nourishment of your smile craves it!

TASTE the victory with a single tastebud!
SMELL the victory through the deviated part of your deviated septum!
HEAR the victory through your damaged eardrum!
SEE the victory through your bad vision!
FEEL the victory in everything you TOUCH!

Use every one of your senses to realize the VICTORY through your entire existence.

Play to win! Refuse to "Hand It Over" ever again. Its at hand and its all YOURS!

No longer will you "Hand It Over."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

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