Smile And Love Always!

Monday, January 19, 2015

"Nothing Will Be Wasted: Time!"

Oft times it appears that opportunity has just passed us right on by. Yet when we take a closer look, we begin to realize that whatever is FOR us shall never "pass us by." We just need to be prepared for it to rear itself to us in the form of opportunity.

Maintaining an idle or destructive mindset is not adequate preparation for the riches that have been stored away for us to one day partake in. Rather we should always seek to obtain Greater Understanding, Immense Clarity and a Newfound Sense of Self by decreasing whomever and whatever we THINK we are, and align ourselves with who and what God has already said that we are.

During this Time and IN His Perfect Timing, we will come to know and Grow in His Perfect Ways, Understanding the Order in which He will perfect us within our Purpose, providing crystal Clarity with respect to His Will, thus realizing when we need to position ourselves and where to be, in order to obtain just a glimpse of His Glory.

Do not squander your time with idleness or destructiveness. Confusion and chaos are not the order of His Day nor do they represent the Grace and Mercy of His Ways.

"Nothing Will Be Wasted!" However, delayed obedience is still disobedience and we have not the Time with the Promise of tomorrow, that has not been promised to us.

Get Right in order to be Right and do and be Right, even when the circumstances of Life appear to be everything but Right, and all wrong.

God's Timing is impeccable and His Love is Agape. Do not delay in hearing what God has to say, namely what He has already said about you.

"Nothing Will Be Wasted," up to and including "Time!"

Heavenly Father.
King Jesus.
Holy Spirit.
And Still.
Exactly Who God Says I Am.
Corey A. Ford

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