Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"Dear Lord"

Dear Lord,
How Marvelous is Your Holy Name! How Glorious is Your Presence in ALL the earth! I humbly Thank You for the miraculous wonders that You have performed. Your Protection from both dangers seen and unseen have forbidden death from having its way. Your Wisdom has guided ignorance into a Growing state of knowing that only You, are ALL knowing. Decreasing in self, allows You to increase in Spiritual Wealth. Getting out of the way, so that You may have Your Way. Seeking You in those hidden places, to be found in times of promotion and Revelation. Stepping down from the worldly pedestal, exalting You in the Highest Praise. No servant is greater than his master, and we serve the Greatest of Masters.

Lord, seeking You, allows us to come to know You better. To know Your Ways. To better Understand Your Timing. To be Grateful in the presence of Your Grace and Mercy so that we may draw nearer to You, in an effort to be more like You.

Thank You for Life! Thank You for Compassion! Thank You for Forgiveness! Thank You for Reconciliation! Thank You for Grace! Thank You for Mercy! Thank You for Strength! Thank You for Protection! Thank You for Peace! Thank You for Love. Thank You for Character! Thank You for Restoration! Thank You for Joy! Thank You for Jesus! Thank You for EVERYTHING!

I humbly Declare Your Greatness in ALL the earth and admonish anything to the contrary of Your Excellence Lord.

May the Life that I lead from this day forth, Honor You in ALL that I say and do. May the work that You have performed in me be realized so that it is You, and not me, that they see.

With ALL of my Heart, I surrender it ALL, to You Lord.

Thank You Lord!

Heavenly Father.
King Jesus.
Holy Spirit.
And Still.
Exactly Who God Says I Am.
Corey A. Ford

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