I am inspired by "The Beauty of Love."
Not one to be overly impressed with one's physical features. For it is the heart I confess, that is the best teacher.
It teaches me to be, whether or not I am able to see. It compels me to do, all that I was purposed to.
It forgives all that I have ever done, and encourages me to relinquish it all at the feet of the Son.
"The Beauty of Love" covered me whenever I ventured outside of the covering that it always had for me.
How foolish to think that Love ever did me wrong, when it was my own actions that made me weak in lieu of being strong.
Love does exactly what it is supposed to do. It clears a path that we are intended to follow through.
It is our own reasoning that ultimately leads us astray. But Love doesn't budge, knowing that one day we will return with the intent to stay.
It allows us to explore, but it worries not since there is nothing better on the other side of any door.
And there she is, answering when she hears me knock. From down the street, around the corner, and back home to rejoin the flock, of all of her birds of a feather that congregate and fly together. "The Beauty of Love," never changes, irrespective of the weather.
Smile and Love Always!!!
Corey A. Ford
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