Smile And Love Always!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Privilege of Life"

There is but one word that I "revere" with the utmost respect: Privilege.

Having a sense of entitlement forbids one from understanding the importance and meaning of the word privilege. The comprehension is paramount because it will lend itself to a greater understanding of the importance of the "Privileges of Life" that have afforded us the type of things that entitlement will otherwise have us believing we accomplished and earned all on our own.

Even if such were and proved to be true, the very first privilege that has been bestowed upon us is the "Privilege of Life." And that privilege alone is worthy of our praises to God, for it was and could not have been accomplished and earned all on our own. Therefore, it is indeed a privilege!

There is no coincidence that embedded within and close to the end of the "entitlement" word is yet another word: "me." It becomes too easy to get so caught up in "me" that it winds up extending itself into yet another word altogether: "entitlement." The "me" within "entitlement" is close to the end of the word, which is indicative of having such a mentality that does not lend or extend itself much further than "me" to begin with!

The magnitude and enormity of the comprehension of privilege allows you to partake in a perspective and point of view of Life that is greater than what the human eye can see and stretches far beyond what you ever thought that you could ever be. All due in large part of the fact that the "me" in "entitlement" is now overshadowed by the "you" that you see in the "privilege." Not in the literal visibility, rather in the Heavenly possibilities.

To God Be the Glory!!!!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

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