Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

"Hello Mom, Good Morning!"

All around you exists a story in which to be told. As a matter of fact, there is always a story awaiting the arrival of the author to show up, so that the story can finally get its voice. All one needs to do is pay close enough attention to ones surroundings in order to begin penning the story for that voice, so that it can be heard.

The consumption of your surroundings will only be absorbed through the attentiveness of your heart as you feel what's going on to the front, back, right and the left of you.

Sometimes just stop what you're doing and partake in the actions and the words that are waiting to be seen and dying to be heard.

I sat down and ate my bagel while sipping on my coffee. The young lady beside me received a phone call. She looked at her phone, Smiled and said, "Hello Mom, Good Morning!" I thought to myself, "what a privilege it is for her to still be able to receive a call from her Mother." She could not have known what I knew as I too Smiled and remembered when I was Blessed as such to receive a call like that.

Oft times I ponder if people ever truly wonder what their lives would be like if their Loved ones were to be no more. The fear of such a reality compels people to not think in a manner such as and to "cross that bridge when it comes." But, what if we all took that approach in hopes to better ourselves and how we treat people in our lives? Perhaps we would treat each other better than what we do? Perhaps we would call to say I Love You more than what we do? Perhaps we would do more than what we ever have and currently do? Perhaps we would just be better at getting better for the sake of having a new point of view?

All around you exists a story in which to be told. The consumption of your surroundings will only be absorbed through the attentiveness of your heart as you feel what's going on to the front, back, right and the left of you.

She continued on with her conversation with her Mother and I was so happy for her. She took the time to stop what she was doing to give her Mother the attention that she deserved. The attentiveness of her heart will forever be pleasing in the sight of the Lord.

"Hello Mom, Good Morning!"

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

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