Smile And Love Always!

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Just Make Me Happy"

You cannot walk around existing within the context of what people would have you live in, always looking TO them so that they can dot your I's and cross your T's on your behalf.

That does not support a sense of happiness that would be conducive TO long-term happiness. In the wake of so much that is authentically fake, it behooves me to live my Life according to what I know and trust, always willing to propel and expand upon that knowledge in order to bring about even broader horizons.

The things that we do and say just to make others feel special today, should not mean that we do not do and say the things that make us feel special today.

The happiness that dances around the perimeter of our unhappiness, constantly taunting us to come out and dance with it is bold enough to do the unthinkable by showing you and I that happiness is not afraid of unhappiness. So, why are we?

Why do we look to others for approval when they do not own nor contribute to our salvation and are actually on the same quest that we are own in solidifying our positions in eternity.

We wind spending what seems like an eternity in search of their meaningless approval for a finality that they do not control. Yet we do it anyway. And why?

TODAY, I decided that I will no longer look TO or expect to receive FROM anyone a sign or inclination that it is ok for me to be happy! The onus is up to ME to make that ultimate decision.

It is high time for me to join happiness in a choreographed show of force on the perimeter of unhappiness in not an "attempt," yet the completion of a successful milestone called "Happiness," from this day forth.

So, as I look up at him and as he Smiles back at me, I told my reflection, to "Just Make Me Happy."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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