Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

"The Beauty of Love"

I am inspired by "The Beauty of Love."

Not one to be overly impressed with one's physical features. For it is the heart I confess, that is the best teacher.

It teaches me to be, whether or not I am able to see. It compels me to do, all that I was purposed to.

It forgives all that I have ever done, and encourages me to relinquish it all at the feet of the Son.

"The Beauty of Love" covered me whenever I ventured outside of the covering that it always had for me.

How foolish to think that Love ever did me wrong, when it was my own actions that made me weak in lieu of being strong.

Love does exactly what it is supposed to do. It clears a path that we are intended to follow through.

It is our own reasoning that ultimately leads us astray. But Love doesn't budge, knowing that one day we will return with the intent to stay.

It allows us to explore, but it worries not since there is nothing better on the other side of any door.

And there she is, answering when she hears me knock. From down the street, around the corner, and back home to rejoin the flock, of all of her birds of a feather that congregate and fly together. "The Beauty of Love," never changes, irrespective of the weather.

Smile and Love Always!!!
Corey A. Ford

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"My Gaping Love"

Loves doesn't ever stop, whether you are standing atop of it, stretched out underneath it or somewhere marinated in the middle. Love will continue to do what Love is supposed to do: teach us, mold us, remake us, transform us and send us right back out there to be a component of the living example of what Love is all about.

Love will use you as soon as you make yourself available to the possibilities of something greater than your existence, as it uses your existence to plant future seeds, thus compelling the continuation of its immaculate existence.

What but Love, could achieve such a thing? Rhetorically speaking because true Love navigates the terrain not by its spoken words, but rather by its staunch actions to make the difference anywhere it knows that a difference needs to be made, taking with it the power that it yields, out on the front lines of every battlefield, converting the non-believers and generating new followers within its Loving Army, that marches to the orders of a Heart that is abundantly aware of its purpose and the promise that fulfills the destiny within that purpose.

I subscribe to the notion of Love because it was Love that first taught me. It was Love that molded me. It was Love that remade me. And it was Love that transformed me!

And here I am, right back out there to be a component of the living example of what Love is all about!

Do not allow whatever has been said about you to alter the natural course of your heart.

Do not allow whatever has been done to you to alter the natural course of your heart. Love just wants you to Love and to play your part.

That mass opening that runs deeper than a bottomless "whatever" can be filled. God will use any and everything together for the good of those that Love Him.

I renamed my own mass opening of "whatever," and everyday I attempt to fill what is a "Gaping Love," knowing that the goal is not to ever "fill" it, but to FEEL it!

"My Gaping Love"

God, "Just Love," And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"The Problem with Love"

The perfect demonstration of Love is that of God sending down His Son, our Lord and Savior, to teach men, to take on the form of sin, and to pay the ultimate price, in order for Him to ascend, back to be seated on the right hand of the Father.

There is nothing that we can say and or do to add to that perfect demonstration of Love. Unless of course, you actually think that you can do better.

Stop trying to make Love over, customizing it to fit your wants and needs. Rather embrace Love in its purest and most perfect form, and let YOU be the one that is transformed, to take on its Christ-like flawless existence.

Never let Love be an "option," but a mandatory necessity in order to negate any and all negativity that would sway your belief that you can actually do better, when the reality of such is idiotic and impossible. But with God, ALL things are indeed possible, starting with Love.

Renew your commitment to Love on a daily basis. And know that "The Problem with Love," is absolutely nothing at all!

God, "Just Love," And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Monday, February 18, 2013

"Just Love"

I am a FIRM, staunch believer in Love, just plain old Love! The single (no pun AND pun intended) most wonderful gift that was ever bestowed upon us out of and for the only apparent reason, Love. Had it not been for the resurrection of the physical demonstration of Love, the infiltration of all that is contrary to Love could have very well been victorious in the absence of Love. But thank God that He had other plans instead of the desires of the selfish and committed the most rewarding act of selflessness, by providing us with the absolute BEST representation of Love that we can always use as an impeccable point of reference, thus gauging how we demonstrate our Love, revealing to us how we can always improve upon what we know to be Love, trying to master what we never will, but appreciating the beauty of the opportunity to at least try to impress Love with our representation of the same. So, if imitation is the best form of flattery, reinvent the version of Love that you know and grow into the only version of Love that actually works

"Just Love," just plain old Love.

God, "Just Love," And Smile Always!

"Love's Actions"

The enemy cannot read your mind, but he is well versed at reading your actions.

Ever think that the enemy is capable of reading your innermost thoughts? Well, that is a privilege that he is definitely not afforded. But if your body language, words and your initial and subsequent actions are able to be read by that of others, don't be surprised that the enemy is also paying attention to the same.

The importance of continuously demonstrating Love could not prove to be more beneficial, especially knowing that you are being read by the things that you say and or do. No one but God can read our minds, but it is our thoughts that lead to our actions that make it possible to be read out loud and conclusions to be drawn out of the canvas of Life that we lead.

Good thoughts will lead to the same actions. A heart deeply rooted and motivated out of Love will impact everything around you. Do not allow yourself to be or become discouraged with people that might not speak the same language of Love that you do. There will always be different dialects of the same language, hence our need to proactively understand what is being communicated and not reactively responding to what we THINK is being communicated. Therein, those thoughts of Love will undoubtedly prevail because they will not allow you to think or feel contrary to what is already within your heart, irrespective of the dialect being spoken. The language is still that of Love.

It is imperative and absolutely paramount to train yourself to think Love, to be Love, to speak Love and to act Love. Love will not lie to you, but will reinforce the Loving representation that is you. Do not just envision yourself IN Love, but vision yourself WITHIN Love.

And the only thing that will ever dispute those Loving actions will be that of the enemy that is desperately trying to kill those Loving thoughts, steal your Loving energy and destroy the Loving joy that resides deeply within you.

Allow your actions to speak and be that of Love and nothing that would even remotely be contrary to the Love that is within your heart will or shall ever prevail. For Love does not ever lose! Love is undisputed and has a perfect record, the caveat being the training component. Train yourself to push to and through the limits of Love. You won't ever lose, yet you will reap, prosper and gain all of what Love has to offer. But first it must start with the Love in your heart, followed up with your "Love's Actions."

God, "Just Love," and Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Thursday, February 14, 2013

"Energy of Love"

Can you not Feel, Hear and Smell the Love in the air…
He Rose so that you could receive Roses on an occasion such as Valentine's Day!  How can you not marinate on what the possibility of living a Life filled with Love can afford you.  I'm talking about the type of Love that surpasses ALL understanding, the type of Love that forgives even before the act is committed, the type of Love that goes to bed with a Smile on your face because of the Love that exists within your heart.
The "Energy of Love" provides you with the type of stamina that you need in order to sustain the weight of Love, which ironically, will never burden you with more than what you are able to handle or capable of carrying.  Love's barometer knows your heart and its sole and soul purpose is to grow your heart way beyond the limited perimeter that you have conditioned yourself to work within.  Love wants to permanently do away with those limited parameters that used to define you, confine you and keep you blinded in.  You will come to know Love better when you start to see Love for what it is, perfect in every way, without your attempt to make over "Love's Perfection." Its direction will keep your heart on track, irrespective of the distractions that want to get you off track.
Remember, such as the Love of Christ, Love is sufficient and needs not one iota of input from you outside of your complete and total submission to it!  Worry not about the valleys when you know that the goal of Love is take you higher to Love's peaks.  The appreciation of the valley will be realized as you stand atop of that mountain and the realization that right beneath you exists all of the rubble of your past decisions, mistakes and sin that are now your footstool that prop you up to see beyond what you once did not have the vision in order to see.
And while you're perched up there, tell yourself, "I can Feel, Hear and Smell the Love that is in the air."
It is the "Energy of Love."
Refuse to live your Life without it from this day forward!
He Rose so that you could receive Roses on a day such as….Happy Valentine's Day and Smile and Love Always!

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"Bold and Confident Love"

You've established "Love.At.First.Sight," what now? How do you now transfer that acknowledged and confirmed energy into a course of action? Falling in "Love.At.First.Sight" is different than growing in Love. We are so accustomed to getting to know the person and then falling in Love, but I have found that there is a small, big difference in the protocol when it starts with Love.

Do not over think it, just go with it! The only difference is the fact that it started exactly where a groomed Love would have wound up, at Love.

Be Bold, not abrasive in your approach. Our guards have an innate tendency to go up when we are not in our perceived comfort zones. But that does not mean that you are out of bounds, it just means that you are navigating new terrain, which is new to us all, if it is our first time there.

Do not exercise fear thus making it stronger than you! Exercise your belief that there is nothing wrong with the fact that "Love.At.First.Site" could be you! And why not?

If all things are possible, then eradicate the impossibility seed from your Life's Garden of Love. For what we consume is what ultimately nourishes our soul, be it good to us, bad for us, or indifferent of us. We control what we allow in our lives, what we put in our mouths and how it impacts us. Be "Bold and Confident," without a hint of indecisiveness and let no one think for you. YOU, think for you!

Go forth with Love, the benefits of such never fade away, even when they are old and gray. They simply become the example of what Love could be, irrespective of how it came to be.

Your "Bold and Confident Love" will only receive questions from those that would not understand the answer anyway.

Be Bold.
Be Confident.
Be Love.

That "Bold and Confident Love."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Sunday, February 10, 2013


She graced my presence in passing coupled with a brief glance that reciprocated what my heart felt as my eyes began to communicate with that of hers, and our non-verbal correspondence immediately ensued. All of the words that were not heard were translated from my heart to hers and confirmed from her heart back to mine.

Some relationships take time in order to hear what is being said sans a word emanating from the lips. But when the communication is as divine as the location, the time wasn't nigh, it was right then and there.

Without hesitation, the gravitational pull was as significant to me as centrifugal force is to an object around which it rotates. Love.

Attempting to explain what was previously unexplainable due to the fact that in one's mind, it was not obtainable, until the first experience became a thing of the past and the reincarnation of the once unobtainable was birthed into existence, At.First.Sight.

One's lack of understanding shall never negate the fact that what you feel is totally understandable. Your belief is what is marinated in your heart and your actions are at the direction of that same heart.

Having had my mind transformed to now believe that such an event is PSSBLE, as if it had played out even before it played out, the now tangible is believable because it has been felt in its entirety, thus revealing itself to be a reality.

Aesthetically pleasing need not apply, for what I am referring to is an internal connection that readily identifies when it is in the presence of not just a "like" mind and soul but an "exact" mind, body and soul, that was first demonstrated by the Love of Christ.

For me, and unbeknownst to me at the time to be revealed in God's Glory, those moments were birthed at the very moment that I made the conscious decision to avail myself, mind, body and soul, to something greater than myself, in the form of the ever present presence of God in my Life and the Love that was demonstrated by His Son, for my Life.

The infinite possibilities began to reveal themselves in an instance and the transformation of what was thought to not be possible said that they were everything BUT impossible! The infinite brilliance of the Lord is quite humbling when you become the transformation that you wanted nothing to do with from the onset or ever, for that matter.

Operating outside of Love's parameter's means that you are so far outside of Love's far reaching grasp, that Love's remote existence is only known to you as a remote, remote's, remote existence, in any way, shape or form. You have compelled yourself to believe yourself, only in portrayal, until you come to the conclusion that your actions are nothing short of self betrayal, for ever not accepting the power of "Love.At.First.Sight" and its existence within your world.

Should Love be out on the limb, then that is where your presence should be made known. Be not afraid to venture outside of your comfort zone, out of fear of the unknown. Growth is exactly where you are not. And Love is demonstrative of exactly where you should be.

And on that day, there I was, exactly where I was supposed to be. And on that day, there she was, communicating directly with me.

Is Love not the greatest...


God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Thursday, February 07, 2013

"Love, I've Got Nothing Without You!"

Everything of and in this world is nothing that I can neither take with me, nor will be accepted into the Kingdom, that place in eternity where the tolls for that journey are paid for, right here and right now.

The only thing that I am taking is the Love within my heart, which is the perfect place to which to start. The same Love that shall not ever part from me, that is deeply rooted within the marrow of my bones, marinated in the words that emanate from my lips, and demonstrated in the actions that I initiate, thus compelling the like to continuously gravitate, towards what we know we can never fully understand, but through Faith in the Holy Spirit, can illustrate the prerequisite, of what it means to believe.

Without that same Love, I have and am nothing but a dying flesh that refuses to even die. But refusal is a trick that the enemy convinces the mind that all will be well in absence of Love, so long as it is your Love that is not hurt in the process. What refusal refuses to elaborate is that the process cannot be fulfilled without Love. So, saving yourself from the process does not lengthen your existence, rather it starves what existence you do have within a heart that was designed to consume the organic aspects of a dietary intake composed of Love.

One would not want to enter into the Kingdom vicariously, so do not exist, live and Love in the same manner. Experience the joy of Love at first sight. Believe that such a joy is out there and that it has a non-transferable ticket with your name written on it.

As for me, "Love, I've Got Nothing Without You!"

God, Love, and Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Let Me Follow Your Lead"

Pride aside, sometimes we just have to admit that we are lost! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! It is when we ADMIT, that the Spirit of the Lord facilitates the act and our need to SUBMIT.

There is zero shame in not knowing. It is the stagnancy of the enemy that prohibits us from growing.

We fashion ourselves in a manner that would have others believe that we know what we actually do not know, and that we live in a way that is absolutely contrary to the Truth.

But it is the Truth that should dictate our ways and not our ways that are dictating the Truth! The practice of doing it backwards prohibits us from moving IT and US forward.

I was compelled to resign my ways, being forced to quit. And at that very moment is when the Spirit of the Lord invited me to try His ways, and encouraged me to Submit. It took tendering my resignation in order for me to receive my promotion.

"Lead, follow or get out of the way," they say. Pride and Corey aside, in total and complete Submission, I Submit myself unto Christ, in perfect position, enabling the opportunity to "Let Me Follow Your Lead."

God, Love, and Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Perimeter of Truth"

When you live a Life of lies, on the outskirts of the "Perimeter of Truth," you will throw jabs, lies and accusations from afar. But, when you reside WITHIN that "Perimeter of Truth," just like King David, you will stand toe to toe with any foe, because Victory is already yours. "For this battle is not mine," declared King David, "it is the Lord's!"

Do you stand on the outside or WITHIN the "Perimeter of Truth?"

God, Love, and Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

"Get Up!"

You were never meant to remain there prostrated on the threshing floor. At some point in time, it was meant for you to Rise, and "Get Up!"

You see trouble don't last always, for the Love of Christ is the only thing that does or ever will, always. We concede in ALL of our weaknesses and we Rise again in ALL of His Strength! We Rise!

My brokenness has been revealed and healed within Him!
My mistakes have been Forgiven!
My soul has been Redeemed!
I shout, "Let the rebuilding process commence!"

I have risen up off of that threshing floor in spectacular fashion! The enemy did not prevail because my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ does not fail! And To God Be the Magnificent Glory for not authoring the epitaph to my story!

Rise up and "Get Up," while you still have a story to be told!

God, Love, and Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford


I do not have the selfish desire to BE "Right." My heart's selfless desire is just for IT, to be "Right."

God, Love, and Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Saturday, February 02, 2013

"Your Vision is Your Vision"

They are not necessarily supposed to see what has been deposited within you. Their level of clarity into your Blessing usually occurs at the fruition of such. Then there are those that do have the innate ability to see either what you have yet to see or what others are unable to see. Therefore, it is extremely imperative to not lean on the understanding of what others do not understand, and for that matter, what you do not understand. Vision has a way of being accompanied by fruition, unless of course you are not bound by your sight alone.

Your circle should not contain squares, that will ultimately never fit into your Vision. Rather let the other things take shape on their own, thus leaving your Vision alone, so that it can be birthed into existence.

Surrounding yourself with more does not equate to having more of what you think that you will need. If it has been deposited within you, understand that you have been equipped with all that you will ever need.

Seek within for what is already there!
For no other parts can ADD to what Christ has already made WHOLE. If the parts are not fitting, return to the Source for clarity and direction with respect to your Vision. The substitute for the origins of your Vision are non-existent. He is, therefore you cannot replace the "Great I Am."

What He has given you, is just for you!

"Your Vision is Your Vision."

Smile and have a wonderfully Blessed day!

God, Love, and Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Friday, February 01, 2013

"God Has Already Forgiven Me, So Why Am I Trippin'?"

Whenever change has made its presence known you will always have those that are all too willing to remind you of how things were prior to your change. That is nothing more than an infiltration of the manifestation of the presence of change in your Life, that is doing its best rendition of trying to make "history repeat itself."

If you are not careful, you will wind up reliving your past mistakes and regrets, allowing those past feelings to creep back into your Life, pulling off a great caper of your happiness and joy, even though you have effectively moved on from those mistakes and regrets.

You will then start to re-punish yourself for the things that you have already been Forgiven for. Your thoughts, your mood, your habits, and your actions will all present themselves in the same shadows of the past that you have already overcome.

The Victory of Christ means that we cannot lose! That defeated mentality will not garner you another victory in lieu of the Victory that you are already in receipt of. We need not another, when Christ already has it covered!

Encourage yourself by reminding yourself that you have already been Forgiven! We ALL make mistakes and will continue to do so. Do not beat yourself up over your mistakes. Trust that you are not alone when it comes to making them. And if someone has a problem with your ability to move on from your past, then grant yourself permission to move on from them! You do not need their dirty reminders when God has already wiped your slate clean. The Blessing will always be within the lesson.

So, when those reminders come your way, and they will, proclaim it out loud, "God Has Already Forgiven Me, So Why Am I Trippin'?"

God, Love, and Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford