Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"The Man That I Used to Be"

If hindsight is 20/20, then my vision is perfect! But then again, of course "hindsight" is 20/20. What I now know is after-the-fact. I might share the same name and resemblance to "The Man That I Used to Be," but that is exactly where all similarities cease to further exist. We no longer have anything in common.

If you truly are what you repeatedly do, then I should effectively change my name to "Growth Spurt." I cannot stop hitting them and the more that I "Grow Through" them, the farther away I migrate from "The Man That I Used to Be."

My purpose has already been planned and I plan to fulfill my purpose, at no less then "100%."

Who I am today now serves as a testimony to "The Man That I Used to Be," good, bad and otherwise. Now that I know what I know, I can never revert back or ever stake claim to ignorance again. The past is exactly where it belongs.

"The Man That I Used to Be" pales in comparison against the measuring stick that I now use to gauge my new level of maturation for "The Man That I Am."

"Growth Spurts" for children means "new clothes." "Growth Spurts" for me means new way of Life, new way of living and a purge of toxic things and people that are contrary to the notion of growth.

For what I am today, what I will be tomorrow and what I shall inherit forevermore, I am grateful, good, bad and otherwise, to "The Man That I Used to Be."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"The past is exactly where it belongs"- So true.