Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Know Where You Stand"

Have you ever swam in the "Sea of Doubt," or swim horizontal to the beach in order to evade the "Rip Currents of Life," make your way closer to shore only to be clobbered by a surfer's size dream wave and pulled right back out into that "Sea of Doubt" better known as uncertainty?

That essentially equates to "a lot going on." But out of all that you will encounter, it is of the utmost importance to "Know Where You Stand." We make better decisions when we have better information to assist us in our quest for results.

To "Know Where You Stand" does not mean that you are standing where people "THINK" you should stand, but rather you are standing where you are "SUPPOSED" to be standing and doing what you are "SUPPOSED" to be doing.

Do not allow yourself to be preoccupied with intangibles that are unfamiliar with their own place, position and role. But do know what YOUR place, position and roles are. Be abundantly aware of where you need to be.

In your relationship with GOD, you should "Know Where You Stand."

In your marital relationship, you ought to "Know Where You Stand."

In your Faith, you need to learn so that you can "Know Where You Stand."

In your family relationships, mend the fences so that you can "Know Where You Stand."

In your professional relationships, your best efforts will let you "Know Where You Stand."

In your personal relationships, your actions will tell everyone that you "Know Where You Stand."

In your religious relationships, your Faith will emphatically illustrate that you "Know Where You Stand."

And when you look in the mirror everyday, you should be proud of the fact that you "Know Where You Stand!"

We make better decisions with better information, so "Know Where You Stand."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


On the count of three, I'm letting go...

"Trust" is an enormously powerful word. A word that cannot have a support mechanism that is weaker than the strength of the word itself.

So, when you "Trust" someone or that someone is asking for the strength to "Trust" you, do understand the enormity of the word "Trust," not to be taken lightly or for granted. You yourself need to be as strong as the word "Trust," the same "Trust" that you are asking for.

The sheer magnitude that exudes the kind of strength that invokes the true meaning of the word "Trust" can only be obtained by "letting go."

Release the fear monger that habitually asks you to "Trust," when "Trust" has already been rendered and obtained, hence the "weakness" that makes up the surroundings that we oft times find ourselves in.

Weakness is no match for strength! Strong is what we need to be in order to effectively appreciate the strength that is required to "Trust," by way of "letting go."

I trust GOD! My weakness is no match for HIS strength. So, I let go, to allow me to grow and be as strong as the "Trust" that I have in HIM.

On the count of three...



Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Rose Petals & Sand"

When the door opened, the Smile said it all. Could it have been any brighter? Could it have been any wider? Could the eye contact have been more evident?

What was about to happen was supposed to happen and nothing else could have happened to prevent US from happening.

The Love was evident, even when the "I Love You" was reluctant. But there it was, "we happened." Those two forces became one and any and everyone, any and everything acted in a contradictory manner, rejecting the fact that, "we happened."

Along the way, 100% of too much attention was paid to the distractions. And distractions only serve one purpose, one that we foolishly obliged.

Constantly yearning for "Rose Petals & Sand," we could no longer deny what we allowed ourselves to ultimately become.

Could the experience had been an upfront security deposit on the damage that would be attempted against two GOD fearing people? Or was the experience strategically placed and preemptive in nature, to allow the distractions to run their course, thus making way for "forever" to take root, spending it together?

Needless to say, "it happened." But "it" only happened because "we happened." Without "us" there would have been nothing to conjure up about or against the two forces that became one on that "Rose Petals & Sand" day.

The distractions have crossed their finish line. They have run their race and completed their course.

Now it's time to get back to the days of "Rose Petals & Sand."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Just Say It!"

Communication is not the issue. It is the non-existent communication that is the issue. You see, when you are effectively communicating, verbiage or other acts of communication are going back and forth. The non-existent communication is when you "think" that the person or people that are supposed to know you and your thoughts so well are extracting what you would "like" to communicate from your thought process to theirs.

But that cloud of non-existent communication never transfers or transmits anything but silent thoughts.

It matters not that you think that the other person should know what's on your mind. If you have not told them, then you have effectively chosen to "not" communicate and that is not their fault.

Oft times we use the "Breakdown in Communication" label to describe our non-existent communication. But in order to truly understand what is going on, we should label it exactly what it is and work towards correcting the problem and not relabeling it and passing it off as a "Breakdown."

Let there be zero ambiguity about what you want, what you need, how you feel, how you do not feel, who you are and who you are not!

So long as you keep your communication "Tuned Up," there should never be a "Breakdown."

If you want something,
Need anything,
Feel a certain way,
Have to express yourself,
Describe your intentions
Or communicate,

"Just Say It!"

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Friday, July 17, 2009

"The Man That I Will Be"

Already written, what I one day will be, I patiently await the arrival of the inevitable destination, that has my name written all on it.

I am humbled by the grooming process that boldly contradicted my perception, all the while demonstrating my reality. For it was not what I thought. I paid for something that I never should have bought.

But the silver lining of Grace and Mercy is the fact that they are much like "receipts." We return what we don't need, exchange it for the right one or we simply get a full refund.

By the time that I arrive at "The Man That I Will Be" destination, I will have done all three.

"The Man That I Used to Be" lead me to "The Man That I Am," which is preparing me for "The Man That I Will Be."

Simmering beneath the surface, "A Man, Forevermore." Bubbling with limitless potential and enough gravitational pull to make a difference in every Life that is touched, in every ear that hears and in every plan that requires action!

Oh, but if "The Man That I Used to Be" had any inclination of "The Man That I Am," even with that same name and resemblance, he would wage his entire existence, against "The Man That I Will Be."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"The Man That I Am"

Every day that I rise grants me another opportunity to rise, to the occasion.

You see, "The Man That I Used to Be" knows NOTHING about "The Man That I Am."

But "The Man That I Am" knows EVERYTHING about "The Man That I Used to Be." And that is exactly how it should be.

What I now do with what I now know has everything to do with my success or failure in every corner, crack or crevice of my Life.

And even though "The Man That I Am" was created from "The Man That I Used to Be," they both serve as ingredients for "The Man That I Will Be."

I appreciate the past for what it has shown me, but my presence is in the present until the future takes hold of me, molding me, into "The Man That I Will Be."

But until that times comes I have remixed the original man, from the one that I used to be, to "The Man That I Am."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"The Man That I Used to Be"

If hindsight is 20/20, then my vision is perfect! But then again, of course "hindsight" is 20/20. What I now know is after-the-fact. I might share the same name and resemblance to "The Man That I Used to Be," but that is exactly where all similarities cease to further exist. We no longer have anything in common.

If you truly are what you repeatedly do, then I should effectively change my name to "Growth Spurt." I cannot stop hitting them and the more that I "Grow Through" them, the farther away I migrate from "The Man That I Used to Be."

My purpose has already been planned and I plan to fulfill my purpose, at no less then "100%."

Who I am today now serves as a testimony to "The Man That I Used to Be," good, bad and otherwise. Now that I know what I know, I can never revert back or ever stake claim to ignorance again. The past is exactly where it belongs.

"The Man That I Used to Be" pales in comparison against the measuring stick that I now use to gauge my new level of maturation for "The Man That I Am."

"Growth Spurts" for children means "new clothes." "Growth Spurts" for me means new way of Life, new way of living and a purge of toxic things and people that are contrary to the notion of growth.

For what I am today, what I will be tomorrow and what I shall inherit forevermore, I am grateful, good, bad and otherwise, to "The Man That I Used to Be."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

"Love Makes You, You"

All of the differences in the world become less relevant when the common denominator, that "like thread" that binds us all together is stitched with the perfectly skilled precision of an artist that knows how to compose in the name of Love.

What you do makes you, you. And if you Love with that same artistry, then "Love Makes You, You."

You cannot change the very fabric of who and what you are.

Created by Love,
Influenced by Love,
Packaged in Love,
Delivered by Love.

You begin to understand why "Love Makes You, You."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

"Love is the Answer"

Every question is deserving of an answer that is universally accepted and understood. I have never subscribed to the notion that there is such a thing as a "stupid question."

The intelligence of a "question" that is in search of an "answer" should not be diminished by a response that is contrary to "Love."

No language barrier exists when the heart talks to the mind, body and soul on the subject of Love. I am a witness of that! The language of Love is a beautiful thing!

You recognize it as soon as you see it.
You understand it as soon as you hear it.
You are comforted by it as soon as you feel it.

Love is the universally accepted and understood answer to all of Life's questions.

So, if "Love is the Answer," yet the question precedes the answer, do you still believe that there is such a thing as a "stupid question?"

The only question that Love will EVER ask of you, is the question where "Love is the Answer."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Monday, July 06, 2009

"Built on Love"

Solid is the ground that it is built upon and shallow is the mindset that thinks that anything is stronger than the foundation of Love.

Delusional at best to believe that the construction of anything based not on Love, yet a bland substitute, will suffice. For only Love can substitute for Love and only Love can constitute Love. Anything less than is delusional, at best.

Faith, "Built on Love."
Family, "Built on Love."
Life, "Built on Love."
Today, "Built on Love."
Friendship, "Built on Love."
Tomorrow, "Built on Love."
Forever, "Built on Love."
Because GOD, is "Built on Love."

Anything else is less than and delusional, at best.

Build on Love's foundation. It won't ever crack and can withstand the pressure of the forces that are NOT synonymous with Love.

But before you build, grant your contractor, that is your HEART, the necessary permits to construct a dwelling, that is "Built on Love."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

"Love is Going to Win!"

If the only thing that GOD cannot do is fail, then there is zero reason to EVER doubt the fact that "Love is Going to Win!"

In so many instances, Love has already won!

Why, isn't there someone in this world that you presently Love? Then yes, Love has already won!

Still doubting the fact that "Love is Going to Win?"

Do you not Love the Blessings that have been bestowed upon you even as you read and process the words: "Love is Going to Win?" If you do, then yes, Love has already won!

Do you Love the fact that even though you have failed at "some" things, you are still afforded the opportunity to learn from them and grow into the new person that Love would have you to be? Yes, Love has already won!

Even if you were to deny the joy that you feel within your heart for that something or someone, there is zero denial in the fact that Love is responsible for that joy, that tingling sensation that justifies that bright Smile that emanates from your face. It's OK, you know that, Love has already won!

Looking forward to see how tomorrow's Love is going to top today's Love, so you turn in early just so that you may rise EARLIER, to meet Love for breakfast? You got it, Love has already won!

You try in vain to fight those feelings and suppress those thoughts, but your anger is nothing more than you waving the flag in defeat because Love has defeated the same anger that you attempted to leverage against Love. And now you begin to see that, "Love is Going to Win!"

It matters not what you do or what you say. Being obstinate is irrelevant because Love is patient. Love is DETERMINED to win!

"Love, is Going to Win!"

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!