Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, October 03, 2013

"From: God, Expect the Best!"

Even the worst days, wind up being the best days,
God affords 20/20, so that we might change our ways
The relevance of our history, is so that we won't repeat,
Succumbing to the same things, that end in defeat
The enemy has a plan, and God has a Plan,
Which one do you follow, and do you understand?
The significance of your Life, and what you need to do,
We live within parameters, and abide by a curfew
One that we've created, that has nothing to do with us,
Yet the first to complain, put up a stink and raise a fuss
Focus on what you can control, let God handle the rest,
To: weakness I concede, "From: God, Expect the Best!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

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