Smile And Love Always!

Monday, May 06, 2013

"Here I Am, And I Stand"

I have found that all throughout the existence of Life, the only thing that consistently remains the same, stubbornly unchanged is the Love that God has for His Children. And what great Joy I take in being one of them, happy that "I" belong to "Him."

As I rear my children in the right direction, He too rears me in the right direction. I get it from Him, He Whom first gave it to me. I'm not just grateful that He opened up my eyes, but I am overjoyed that I can Faithfully see, all that He has ever done for me, in time all that He has ever revealed to me and most importantly, all that He sees in, after coming to Fruition, having designed me to Be!

What Joy my heart feels to know that when all else has the potential of failing, God does not have the same. He continuously succeeds over and over again, remaining the same, stubbornly unchanged.

It makes for an impossible and extremely difficult argument to wage against, when Love is the absolute best OFFENSE and DEFENSE!

His Loving Life Example is the basis of my Life's preamble on how to live, how to Love, and how to all away!

"Here I Am, And I Stand" the proud son of the Most High God, one that never fails, always remains the same, stubbornly unchanged.

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

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