Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, May 16, 2013


The "Change" that you wish to see within the world is predicated upon the "Change" that has mentally materialzed in your mind, acted out in your ways and physically realized within yourself first. The absolutely BEST way to take a stand, is for YOU to "BE YOUR BRAND!"

Walking around bashing the things that get under your skin, is not the solution to any problem, therefore, it is not where you should ever begin.

Do not get caught up with what is wrong within the world, rather promote through "Change," all that is right within you, that will eventually promote itself within the same world.

This affords the new "Opportunity" to reach those new levels that were once hidden in obscurity. But through new "Visibility," we can now see all of the new "Possibilities."

In our old thought process and old ways of thinking, we placed limitations on ourselves and shackled our own minds, confining ourselves to our very own mental jail cells. But it is in the NEW, that we are able to RENEW, reformatting our mental hard drives, layering them with a new and improved operating system, all in an effort to free us from our own bondage and to ultimately prevail.

Whatever you think of yourself, is what you will be. So, think "highly" of yourself, even when you feel anything but.

However you feel about yourself, is what you will demonstrate. So, think "strongly" of yourself, even when you feel anything but.

Those internal thoughts and feelings will manifest and reveal themselves as you open your mouth to speak, or are just simply walking down the street.

What you project forth will Always be on display. Live within the vision that has been Faithfully deposited within you.

For the absolutely BEST way to take a stand, is for YOU, to "BE YOUR BRAND!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

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