Having been taught an invaluable lesson, the Blessing was adamant in residing within, and being on the outskirts was simply not good enough.
Therefore, I conceded to my old ways and ushered in the new days that would yield me new results that were brought about by a renewed way of thinking.
Staking a claim to what does not rightfully bare my name is as plagiaristic as we know it to be. So, I borrowed FROM, so that it may take me TO, that Place.
This Place that does not allow you to come in as you were, and makes you even better after you have arrived. And although it is not a destination, you will not leave once the reception of your heart has welcomed it to now be and play an intimate part. There will be no need to memorize your lines, for the method to this part has become innate, an insatiable characteristic that can never be satisfied, as it takes you deeper than you ever thought it could, deeper than you've ever known it to be.
Irrespective of what is going on around you, nothing will get on the inside of you, protected by the fortress that you were not expecting, as you delight in the Joy that you now freely feel. The pain is gone. The wrong was made right. And one of the privileges of such a Place, is the acknowledgment that you will never have to fight, Again.
It is so beautiful to know that such a Place exists. There is no physical address, for it goes WITH you, wherever you are, whenever you get there, and it LEAVES with you, because it STAYS with you. *Peace* If you have never met it, an invitation to this Place has your name written on it. And where you would normally affix the return address, the only thing that you need to write is:
"Peace, Like You've Never Known"
It will get you there, because only one Place such as this, Exists.
God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford
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