Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

"Where I'll Start...Turn the Page"

Life is not about how you start, but indeed how you finish. So, as you are crossing the finish line in this chapter of your Life, you may not be able to restart what you have just concluded, but you can and should will yourself to start the next chapter of your Life better off than you did the previous.

Do not spurn what you have learned, just because it is not your turn. For no one exits their season of harvest empty-handed when the sole purpose was to replenish your soul with all that was missing before.

Trust that what is meant for you has a non-transferable clause affixed to it. Therefore when the blessings have your name squarely written on them, no one else can cash them in because they are not, nor do they represent, you.

Customized Blessings are like tailor-made suits. They never quite fit the way they will undoubtedly fit the intended recipient, who they were initially made for. So, do not worry yourself about what someone else has or have going on. It has their name written on it. And soon enough, yours will too.

With that said, forge through your Life knowing that irrespective of what others have, you too have something that they do not have in the form of customized Blessings that they too cannot cash in because they are not, nor do they represent, you.

When you know that you have something on the horizon that awaits you, you are then able to walk about and be about your business with joy in your heart, Love in your Spirit and Peace within your soul.

Joy, Peace and happiness unified, the single source to that of my heart. By way of Love, that is "Where I'll Start" the next chapter of my Life, compliments of joy, Peace and happiness.

The next chapter just requires one thing for you to do: "Turn the Page."

Smile and have a wonderfully Blessed day!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

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