Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"To Be Blessed"

From the moment that we capture our first breath, we have been made to receive the riches from on high and allow them to accrue at rates that extend far beyond what the market is calling for.

There is no investment in GOD that ever goes bankrupt or finds itself in need of a bailout of any sort. FDIC cannot insure the amount of our investment with HIM, for their resources are NOT comparable to HIS or the type of return that we know that we can look forward to.

I do not need a Hedge Fund Manager to manage my resources because what on earth could they possibly tell or show me during this period of economic woe? The manager of MY resources does not gamble with my Lifesavings or my future. HE just guarantees it with the very words that emanate from HIS lips.

It is so, simply because HE said it to be.

You and I have been created "To Be Blessed."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Friday, January 23, 2009

"No More"

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

One of my Mother's favorite quotes that I have heard and had sewn within my interior in the form of a tattoo.

The thought that someone would be so inclined to think that the same lie would work two times in a row and then be so audacious as to actually attempt it. Shame on you!

What was previously decided and subsequently used in your favor, to and for your advantage and agenda were not masterfully skilled attempts at genius, but greed bold enough to forgo the camouflage and rear the face that is known all too well. Shame on you!

To use the two Blessings, the young lives as pieces on your gameboard so that you could advance is a temporary fix to the permanent flaw that you possess. Shame on you!

Your perceived intelligence is actually negligence in disguise if you think for one second that what you do is not known and who you actually are is appreciated by the very ones that transparently see you. Shame on you!

To wish you well would make me a liar and to wish you ill would go against my Christian beliefs. Therefore, I pray for myself because my integrity is every bit a part of me.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, No More."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Forty-five years ago "A Dream" awakened the thoughts of all possibilities underneath the Lincoln landscape where "The Dream" was born.

Forty-five years later, at the opposite end of that same landscape, it has taken the arrival of the forty-fourth President to realize that "Dreams Deferred" are still "Dreams," that do indeed come true.

And now as one, it is up to us to live out "The Dream" with great promise, conviction, determination and an impeccable sense of motivation.

"The Dream" is ALIVE.
"The Dream" is HERE.
"The Dream" is NOW.

It is time to live out "The Dream."


Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Are You Going to Get the Heavy Stuff?"

I had a lot of things to carry into the house and as my son and I pulled up I asked him if he was going to help Daddy carry some of the things in. As quickly as I asked, he quipped "Daddy, "Are You Going to Get the Heavy Stuff?""
Totally inspired by my children, I could not help but to think about MY Father and why I even have the Blessings of being a parent to begin with. If children do not inspire you, then nothing ever will! Although my parental opinion might be biased, I firmly stand by it.
There are many times in my Life when I have plenty of things in which to carry from point A to point B and I have slowly but surely learned to lean on HIM to help me "Get the Heavy Stuff."
My children see me exercise on a regular basis and act as impromptu weights for my lower back as I do push ups. They understand the importance of staying in shape, taking care of their bodies and becoming strong, physically as well as spiritually. They are also learning that regardless of their own strength, there is NO strength like that of the LORD.
No matter how many push ups that Daddy does or how strong I become, I too need help from time to time to "Get the Heavy Stuff."
Having reverence for GOD, the purveyor of ALL of our strength, my son reminded me that he needs his father to "Get the Heavy Stuff" in the same manner that I too need MY Father to "Get the Heavy Stuff."
What a WONDERFUL Blessing it is to be a parent and a father and to have a constant source of inspiration, reflection and direction provided by the likes of someone that "I" am supposed to be raising.  Truth be told, the car drives both ways, forward and backwards.
My son's father always "Gets the Heavy Stuff."  MY Father always "Gets the Heavy Stuff." The laws of reciprocity thankfully will not and do not ever change. 
If children do not inspire you….then NOTHING ever will!
Answering my son in the same manner as MY Father so answers me, I told him, "Yes son, Daddy is going to "Get the Heavy Stuff." After I pick it all up though, I still need for you to hold my hand."
I Love being a Daddy!

GOD is Great!!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Old Ways Are In the Rearview"

As we now travel down that straight and narrow, we move farther and farther away from what it used to be and closer and closer to all of the newfound possibilities.

The distance created between the former and the latter has greatly increased, not only in the reading of my odometer, but in the mannerisms in which I conduct myself. You see, you no longer first meet the representative, you first meet the Spirit WITHIN me, which not only represents me, but IS me.

No longer a child, yet a man, therefore I act as such. Perfection shall permanently evade me, so the room for improvement will be perpetual.

Growth is mandatory, failure is not an option and reverting back is forbidden!

My sideview is good, my blindspot is clear and ALL of my "Old Ways Are In the Rearview."


Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Things That Cannot Be Seen"

So focused on the tangibles of today, we tend to forget that they too will soon pass and in preparation we should learn to focus our attention on the "Things That Cannot Be Seen." For it is there that we learn the true meaning of "what's in store" for us, what's on the horizon and the view from the mountaintop after having dwelled far too long in the pits of the valley.

The size of a mustard seed is sufficient enough to quell the disbelief system and rewrite the ending to your own story.

The "Things That Cannot Be Seen" keep me inspired because I subscribe and paid in advance for the subscription to "My Life." The "Bill Me Later" ideologists do not realize that their Life's subscription STILL has to be paid for in advance in order to bare witness to the "Things That Cannot Be Seen." I suppose this supports the age old quote: "you get what you paid for."  Should you pay in advance, you receive accordingly.  Should you pay nothing, you still receive accordingly.

I Love coming to a crystal understanding and being able to share in the recognition of such.

In advance, for the "Things That Cannot Be Seen," I give Praise and Thanksgiving!

Pay in advance to the subscription to your Life and begin to discover all of the "Things That Cannot Be Seen." For it is today's Praise that will afford you tomorrow's revelation in the form of all of the "Things That Cannot Be Seen" and why they too have become crystal to you and the recognition of such.

For ALL of the "Things That Cannot Be Seen."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

"The Love Within My Heart"

"The Love Within My Heart" is to be overshadowed and overtaken by nothing less than MORE of the same, of "The Love Within My Heart." Ridiculous demands that make a mockery of Love are forever cast down, tossed to the side and ultimately left behind, starting yesterday!

Tantrums and deficits in attention typically go hand in hand, but they have begun to cease their existence in the presence of "The Love Within My Heart."

Anything other than the truth will forever fall on deaf ears, blind eyes and assume an illiterate position, for they will not be heard, seen or read in the presence of "The Love Within My Heart."

VICTORY in the form of a "Happy Heart" and DEFEAT to ANYTHING to the contrary!

I own "The Love Within My Heart" along with the insatiable appetite to keep it nourished with MORE OF the same, of "The Love Within My Heart."

One day shall witness the promise to make room and allow the occupancy to fill the vacancy in order to partake in the views of MORE of the same, of "The Love Within My Heart."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

"It's Already Yours"

That new job...
That fulfilling relationship...
That new house...
That place of your own...
That pay raise...
That challenging man...
That motivating woman...
That college degree...
That perpetual Smile...
That pep in your step...
That confident stride...
That Spirit of GOD...
That restored Faith...
That Love in your heart...
That Spirit of forgiveness...
That peace of mind...
"It's Already Yours"

The only outstanding action item on your agenda is to simply claim everything that rightfully belongs to you. Reclaim everything that was misplaced, lost, stolen or even rejected, because it was not what we wanted although it was everything that we needed, then AND now.

Back in grade school, when we lost something and someone else found it, they were kind enough to turn it in to the "Lost and Found." That act of kindness was always reciprocated because at some point in time, we ALL have allowed ourselves to get misplaced, lost or stolen, sometimes in the midst of rejection.

Do you remember when you were lost?

Do you remember when you allowed yourself to get misplaced?

Do you remember when someONE or someTHING stole your sense of self?

I remember all three! But I am so enormously overjoyed that My LORD and Savior has the biggest "Lost and Found" that I have ever witnessed.

You see when I lost myself someone was kind enough to turn me in to the "Lost and Found" on my behalf and HE kept it AND me until I returned to claim it. And HE told me, "It's Already Yours."

You see when I allowed myself to be misplaced, someone was kind enough to turn "my direction" in to the "Lost and Found and once again HE kept it AND me until I returned to claim it. And HE told me, "It's Already Yours."

When I allowed myself to fall victim to rejection, whether self-inflicted or the recipient of, I not only wallowed in that pool of self-pity, I swam in it! But there in that "Lost and Found" is where I reclaimed all of my valuables, those hidden treasures and all of my "Future Memorabilia." And HE told me, "It's Already Yours."

You see when I was stolen, robbed of MYSELF, someone was kind enough to turn me in to my rightful owner and yet again HE kept me covered in HIS Grace and Mercy until I returned home to reclaim my identity! The worst case of identity theft had been solved!

And that is why I am so humbly thankful.
Thank GOD for reciprocity!
Thank GOD for all of those acts of kindness!
Thank GOD for forgiveness!
Thank GOD for that eternal "Lost and Found."

If you are looking for ANYTHING that you have lost, misplaced or had stolen from you, take a look in the "Lost and Found" because there is where it awaits you. "It's Already Yours."

Reclaim it ALL!

That new job..."It's Already Yours."
That fulfilling relationship..."It's Already Yours."
That new house..."It's Already Yours."
That place of your own..."It's Already Yours."
That pay raise..."It's Already Yours."
That challenging man..."It's Already Yours."
That motivating woman..."It's Already Yours."
That college degree..."It's Already Yours."
That perpetual Smile..."It's Already Yours."
That pep in your step..."It's Already Yours."
That confident stride..."It's Already Yours."
That Spirit of GOD..."It's Already Yours."
That restored Faith..."It's Already Yours."
That Love in your heart..."It's Already Yours."
That Spirit of forgiveness..."It's Already Yours."
That peace of mind..."It's Already Yours."

I look forward to the day when the "Lost and Found" is empty! Reclaim what rightfully belongs to you because "It's Already Yours."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

"Two Shampoo Bottles"

I am determined to use all of the lotion and shampoo in the containers that they come in. I notoriously hang them upside down to ensure that I get my money's worth. Afterall, growing up with watered down lotion makes one appreciate the quality of good lotion when you can finally afford some.

So, I had "Two Shampoo Bottles" on the outskirts of my shower as I went to grab the older bottle to squeeze out whatever remaining shampoo there was left for me to use. The newer bottle that required less effort in which to garner a fresh lather was beside it. Instantaneously, an epiphany came over me. The older, almost completely empty bottle represented 2008 and the newer, fully replenished bottle represented 2009.

There I was, determined to completely exhaust all liquid shampoo resources from the 2008 bottle of shampoo before I cracked open the fresh new bottle of the 2009 shampoo. At that moment, of course I'm thinking "Blog." But what was the deeper meaning? What was the intended message? Or was there one to even begin with?

I am of the firm opinion that we have a tendency to leave things on the table, unresolved, not completely EMPTY or exhausted and carry them over to our "New Representation." I became adamant about that 2008 bottle of shampoo. That shampoo bottle had run its course and it was time to move on to the new 2009 bottle of shampoo. BUT, not before 2008 had become completely exhausted of all of its contents.

Each bottle represents a specific year and that should be the only things that they have in common. We should not take our "Old Representation" and pour it into our "New Representation," but we should keep the similar components between the two mental and not physical. In the case of the "Two Shampoo Bottles," the similar component that occupies my mental is the fact that it is shampoo in the form of a 2008 bottle and a 2009 bottle. And that is it!

The "Two Shampoo Bottles" each contain their own contents, not to be misconstrued with another. And although they serve the same purpose, they symbolize a habit that we have a tendency to do. Knowingly or otherwise, we bring our "Old" and mix it in with our "New" instead of appreciating them as separate entities that USED to represent who and what we are in the form of "Old" and CURRENTLY represent who and what we are in the form of "New." That was the message!

I acknowledge all of my "Old" because it served the purpose to bring me into my "New." Without the insight, experience, knowledge and wisdom that the "Old" AFFORDED me, I would not know how to appreciate the "New" that is now WITHIN me.

What do your shampoo bottles say about you?

"Two Shampoo Bottles"

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Monday, January 05, 2009

"Congregational Conspiracy, They Did It To Jesus"

After some of those "Full Frontal Holy Hugs" you begin to realize that there is no difference in the congregational members or the pulpit partners that perpetrate to have your best interests at heart by deceptively holding the audience hostage simply because the microphone is the conduit to their voice over the speakers as opposed to a DJ in the club holding the audience hostage simply because there is a tight beat thumping through "like" speakers.
It never ceases to amaze me that the locale matters not when misery is seeking matrimonial companionship. Not just the regular "Company" but the official "Married to Misery" type of company.
I respect the people in the club and the DJ entertaining them. They go and do their thing and do not hide behind a title, an image, perception or a hyped up facade. They dance until their hearts are content. They have fun amongst "like" people and they do it on a regular basis. They are true to what they think they are doing.
On the other hand, "some" congregational members and pulpit partners will have you BELIEVE that they are on your side and fighting the good fight WITH you.  That is until they realize that your "dance moves" (pun intended) are a little bit better than theirs.
Once upon a time, minding my own and being my own person had zero relevance.  That is until I garnered the attention of the ones that were trying to garner MY attention.  In other words, when they heard "no" and assumed another was told "yes," they began their march down the aisle, straight to the altar, to recite their nuptials with "Misery."
The Church has been going through quite a bit for quite a while, but since the rumors, speculation and innuendo were not at the shepherd's front door, the sense of urgency was not realized and nothing of it ever materialized.  And now, the door has been answered, questions and accusations have run amuck and the deflection, um, attempt at correction is the talk of the town.  But where were you when the initial deception was going down?
I am of the Faithful fact that my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ fights my every battle for me even though HE has equipped me with not only the wherewithal to fight back, but the sense of timing in which to do so.  My Mother used to say, "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie."  But there will always be those that think that they can outrun the leash that is around the dog's neck.  That is, until they realize that the dog no longer has a leash around its neck.  My Mother was right indeed.  You should always "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie."
When they have nothing to talk about, they will continue to talk about you.  They did it to Jesus!
When they have it set in their minds that they will do whatever to persecute you, they will surely ATTEMPT.  They did it to Jesus!
When they spit in the wind at a child of GOD, they have successfully failed to realize that their saliva rainfall is compliments of themselves.  But hey, they did it to Jesus!

And if my REDEEMER withstood it all and took their absolute best, mediocre AT best, then so shall I.  Afterall, they did it to Jesus!
Cut your own grass before you call the County on the length of mine!
Clean up your own house before you call Health and Human Services on the cleanliness of mine!
Re-raise your own kids instead of vicariously chastising the children of the Church!
Stay in tune and in touch with what is really happening in the Church community before you yield your big stick in someone else's community!
Further investigate the staff that is employed by the people of the Church because Momma used to say, "Everything that glitters, ain't gold."  Yet the attempt to package it as such is fooling no one.  Perhaps that fake artifact was "Blocked" because it was revealed?
No one likes to be put on blast.  That is unless they forgot to wear their hardhats to withstand the cloud of BS that is not falling from the entire sky, JUST the cloud of suspicion that seems to shadow their every move.  The Blessing is in the revelation of the truth and since integrity is the name of the game, I extend an open invitation at playing cards face up. 
Now, would all first time visitors please stand up?  In the REAL house of the LORD, REAL soldiers for the LORD would like to extend to you a token of appreciation in addition to the opportunity to come again.  We shall not embarrass you with buffoonery, but embrace you with the same type of Love that the LORD so expects FROM US, through the demonstration of HIS Love TO US.
Let the REAL Church and the opponents of misery, say AMEN!
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!