Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, March 07, 2015

"Presence and Importance of God"

I met a gentleman in the check-out line and we struck up a conversation. Instantaneously, the "Presence and Importance of God" made its way to the front of the very line that we were standing in as we waited for our respective turns to check out. What could have been a challenging wait on a Saturday morning turned out to be too short, as we discussed the Blessings that God has bestowed upon our respective families. "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." (‭Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭20‬ NIV)

Ever questioned the Presence of God and His Whereabouts when you might be going through something? Just bring Him up and watch Him show up. We have the God-given POWER to speak things into existence. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭18‬:‭21‬ NIV)

Understand that the "Presence and Importance of God" is just an invocation away. When you want Him to show up, simply bring Him up and behold His Amazing Presence in the form of everything that you're not thinking of or even remotely imagining. When you become one with the One, you are able to see Him in your Life, and not just your strife. You read Him on the wall, as opposed to the writing on the wall. You feel Him in His Glory, as opposed to the pain of your story. You live according to His Instruction, as opposed to the tried and failed abduction, of the Truth.

For far too long, deceit and lies have held the Truth hostage because of Who and What It Is and Who and What It represents. The good news about that bad news lies in the Victory that was accomplished at Calvary! Even in death, the Truth will ALWAYS be revealed! So live in the Truth and if need be, let death have its way.

The ransom was paid for on our behalf and nothing more is ever owed. "Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (‭Matthew‬ ‭20‬:‭28‬ NIV)

We cannot add to, nor can we take away from, the accomplishments of God's Obedient Son. When you receive an invitation to lies and deceit, RSVP with the Truth. Don't be too surprised when you are promptly removed from the guest list. "Truth be told," you didn't want to be at that party, partaking in those lies, in a campaign to contaminate the Glory of God, with the ignorance of man.

We both checked out and went our respective ways, but not before knowing that the "Presence and Importance of God" is everywhere that we are, waiting to be brought up, so that He may promptly show up, and do only what He can do, through the presence of me and you.

Couldn't see what was in His basket, however, I know who is in His Loving Arms. Me and anyone else that BOLDLY invites Him in and shamelessly brings Him up in anything, so that He may show up in everything.

The "Presence and Importance of God." Speak up!

Heavenly Father.

King Jesus.

Holy Spirit.




And Still.

Exactly Who God Says I Am.

Corey A. Ford

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