Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

"We All Have Our Moments"

Tough times expose the resilience that is within us and if we're not careful it may encourage others to expose the resilience within themselves as well. When things have a way of coming to us in an effortless manner, the not so easy things have a way of reminding us that we were created and built to weather any storm, irrespective of the season in our lives. The verbal aspects of that communication require positive reinforcements by way of demonstration. Along comes the challenging times that remind us that we are Strong and that the challenges that were sent, were meant to test our Strength, to only make us aware that we are even stronger than the Strength that we already know we have, or the identification of the Strength that we did not know we already had.

So when the easy becomes difficult, embrace what the process is doing to you and embrace what the process is doing for you. It knows what you need and it will nourish you with what it feeds. The dietary intake will stretch you, with no intentions to ever break you. However, should you ever find yourself broken, speak Life into the Life with what Jesus Christ has already spoken.

Only the enemy is determined to destroy you. For the Love of Christ only wants to deploy Itself within you. Give it the space and availability the same way you would give your latest device the space and availability that it needs in order for it to work for you.

"We All Have Our Moments." Make sure to not lose yourself within the moments that were designed to bring you into Greater Moments, refined by the Creator, revealing to you the Greater that is already within you.

Jesus. Love. And Smile. Always!
Corey A. Ford

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