Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

"The Act of Impartation"

The experiences of today, are the testimonies of tomorrow. The testimony of tomorrow brings about an awareness to those that have yet to experience the content contained within your testimonial.

By way of your testimony, "The Act of Impartation" becomes an absorbed reality that will be consumed by an open mind and a receptive heart, that is all too eager to insatiably devour, all that you are willing to impart.

What you go through, is designed to grow you, into all that God has purposed for you. To not just live on purpose, your purpose, but to live WITHIN your purpose, focusing on the tasks that your Life will accomplish, within the timeframe of the Lifetime that it is supposed to be accomplished in.

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

To God Be the Awesome Glory, for All the Best, All the Time, as you Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

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