Smile And Love Always!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Chapter 1: “When You’ve Been Blessed”


"When You've Been Blessed" you most certainly need to share in your Blessings with those that may have been less fortunate or not AS fortunate as the Blessing that has been bestowed upon you. You thus create your continued Blessings by being one TO someone. Why would God not Bless the ones that are Blessing others?

The reciprocity of Blessings is more important than the actual Blessing itself. Should you do nothing with it and not pass it on, it was insultingly all for naught.

My Mother used to say, "people are in your Life for seasons or reasons. It is not up to us to determine which one they are here for, but it is up to us to make the best of it, the most out of it and treat the participation in our lives as a Blessing: good, bad and otherwise."

I Pray that every Life that crosses paths with my Life is made better, whether or not I know it or not. The only thing that I can do, is my part. Therefore, I shall play my position, practice my role and be the best that I can be at ALL times, since the best is expected of me, at ALL times.

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