Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, February 02, 2012

"Held Onto Your Faith"

The irony in all that was no more was in the fact that it was not lost nor stolen, but relinquished. You see no one can steal something from within you unless you relinquish it from within your possession. You do not lose anything that has been deposited within you, unless you withdraw it and offer it up in lieu of something else.

Your Faith,
Your Love,
Your Joy,
Your Happiness,
Your Attitude,
Your Sanity,
Your Security,
Your Inner Being.

They are neither lost nor stolen, but relinquished at a cost that was not affordable to begin with and should not have been bartered in order to alter how someone else feels about themselves.

Do not re-gift what God has gifted you, especially since the sacrifice of Jesus is represented as the gift receipt. We will never know the true price since it was not us that initially paid for it. But, that does not mean that we cannot appreciate the gift itself.

It matters not what is before you. For one day you shall look back and be grateful to God that you "Held Onto Your Faith" and relinquished it not, to the dismay of the receiver that never gives and to the delight of the giver, that gave it all!

Hold onto to your Faith NOW! In future retrospect your heart will be filled with joy knowing that you "Held Onto Your Faith," and relinquished it not!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

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