Smile And Love Always!

Friday, August 22, 2008

"Precision Narrows Your Focus"

Have you ever known PRECISELY what you were supposed to do and WHEN you were supposed to do it with ZERO ambiguity?

Precision is a beautiful thing, for it allows you to narrow your focus and concentrate all of your energy and efforts on PRECISELY what it is that you are supposed to be doing and exactly WHEN you are supposed to be doing it.

"Precision Narrows Your Focus" and forbids distractions from entering into and diluting your thought process with things that are strictly of the trivial nature, whose sole purpose is to deter you from accomplishing your goals.

"Precision Narrows Your Focus" and grants you the operating space that is both needed and required in order for you to be as precise as precision guarantees, provided that you are focused and your objective is clearly outlined as well as stated.

"Precision Narrows Your Focus" and gives you the utmost clarity, even in microscopic granularity, with nothing left to do, but the task that has your name scribed on it.

To know PRECISELY what needs to be done and the liberty in which to do it eliminates any excuses as to why it cannot or should not be done by the scribed name.

So, do you know PRECISELY what YOU are supposed to be doing? If so, Blessed you are to have that knowledge and Blessed will someone else be when you share it with them. You are now in the position to illustrate to them EXACTLY how "Precision Narrows Your Focus."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

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