The Love that vibrates my soul has everything to do with the Love first demonstrated on the Cross at Cavalry by Jesus Christ. I would be deaf, dumb and blind and extremely hard pressed to find a more suitable Love that reminds me of how truly Blessed I am, the direct correlation of all that I am. But I can hear with my heart, I'm smart because I seek His guidance first and I can see through my Spiritual vision.
Beyond my ability to comprehend, oft times I can be my own worst enemy, all the while, "He Is Being My Absolute Best Friend."
My reach is short, abbreviated at best. But I walk in Faith in order to pass the test. I have demoted myself in order that He may promote me according to His wealth. The old is dead and the new lies ahead. To conquer the conjured, I do not rely on what's in my head, rather instead, I Trust that man shall not survive only on bread.
The Love that first descended down from the Heavens has reciprocally returned to the Heavens, but not before imparting a direct path that "Reaches to the Heavens."
May the Love of Christ that resides within me be a living example of that path that extends beyond my reach, that reveals more than I could ever teach, and through my Life, perpetuate itself through more than just speech.
May the humility take full responsibility for the nature of the human gravity, that is insistent upon resisting the Glory of His Hierarchy. We will never be higher than, but through the imparation of His Path, we can reach Him where He is perched, high above, surveying the hearts of men and women and discerning the intentions of them all.
May the Love in my Heart overcompensate my inability to reach from where I stand, but implore the Surveyor of man to see that my actions are as clean as the Heart that He is surveying.
May that Love stretch as far and wide and impact everything in between. And may that horizontal existence be turned vertical so that I may align with His Hierarchy and all of my Life's work is "Well Done," and "Reaches to the Heavens" to touch His Glory.
God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford
Beyond my ability to comprehend, oft times I can be my own worst enemy, all the while, "He Is Being My Absolute Best Friend."
My reach is short, abbreviated at best. But I walk in Faith in order to pass the test. I have demoted myself in order that He may promote me according to His wealth. The old is dead and the new lies ahead. To conquer the conjured, I do not rely on what's in my head, rather instead, I Trust that man shall not survive only on bread.
The Love that first descended down from the Heavens has reciprocally returned to the Heavens, but not before imparting a direct path that "Reaches to the Heavens."
May the Love of Christ that resides within me be a living example of that path that extends beyond my reach, that reveals more than I could ever teach, and through my Life, perpetuate itself through more than just speech.
May the humility take full responsibility for the nature of the human gravity, that is insistent upon resisting the Glory of His Hierarchy. We will never be higher than, but through the imparation of His Path, we can reach Him where He is perched, high above, surveying the hearts of men and women and discerning the intentions of them all.
May the Love in my Heart overcompensate my inability to reach from where I stand, but implore the Surveyor of man to see that my actions are as clean as the Heart that He is surveying.
May that Love stretch as far and wide and impact everything in between. And may that horizontal existence be turned vertical so that I may align with His Hierarchy and all of my Life's work is "Well Done," and "Reaches to the Heavens" to touch His Glory.
God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford