Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, June 01, 2013

"Negative Investments Will Never Yield You Positive Gains!"

The negative energy of the world is determined to steal, kill and destroy all of your God given Joy! But through it all, Love, Peace and Happiness shall prevail. Negativity is like a time capsule. It is buried deep beneath the surface and no matter how many times you dig it up, the contents contained within will not ever Change, until you dig it up, throw it out and never return to that place ever again!

Do not save the contents of the past if they have no relevance in your future!

Rid yourself of the mediocrity that immaturity once happily afforded you!

Do not accept investments from negativity that only tout short-term gains!

Negativity cannot afford nor reap you the benefits of Positive Gain!

Negative investments and investors will never yield you Positive gains!

Do not become the time capsule that holds all of the past, that you revisit and relive for the Purposes of nothing at all.

"Negativity does not want Positivity to succeed because that would mean that negativity would be out of business. Let's bankrupt negativity once and for ALL!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

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