Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

"Arms Wide Open"

The act of receiving is predicated on a receptive heart. You need to receive in order to receive. Stop denying yourself what is rightfully and in accordance to God's Plan, Righteously yours!

Historically, as I look back over my life, I can vividly see where I denied God, therefore and subsequently denied me. In a state of ignorance, I thought that I knew better than Him. And although my thought process and subsequent actions were not intentional, I needed to learn to receive so that I could begin to receive.

Simply put, God is nothing short of amazing!

One should Love in order to receive Love.

One should Smile if they expect to receive a Smile.

One should be patient if patience is an expectation that they have for themselves.

Additionally, one cannot receive what one does not ultimately believe. Practice your reception if you are interested in receiving. For whatever comes your way is by design and not by mere coincidence. Do not deny yourself anymore, for the knock that you hear could very well be at your front door.

With "Arms Wide Open" usher in a new era of self-awareness, self-preparedness and zero reluctance to the aforementioned practice of self-denial. No longer wallow in defeat that is perpetrated by self. Rather compel yourself to embrace yourself in Victory with "Arms Wide Open!"

Be Blessed Henceforth!

God, Love, and Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

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