Smile And Love Always!

Friday, April 13, 2012

"Stronger and Wiser"

You will always be able to derive some form of positivity from any negative situation, so long as you train yourself to focus on the silver lining that exists within each and every one of those dark clouds. For those dark clouds were not meant to destroy you, but were designed to make you "Stronger."

The Life experiences that you grow through were not meant to make you feel intellectually or socially inadequate or inept. The silver lining is that they were designed to make you "Wiser."

The combination of the two will help you solidify what you once thought and what you now know, were designed to make you both "Stronger and Wiser."

A big thank you to my enemies for pushing me away and shunning me. For your ignorance forbid you to know that you were actually working on His behalf and pushing me even closer to Him. Who, but God to orchestrate His plan to perfection? Rhetorical, but I do thank you for your participation in the elevation of my strength and wisdom.

God will use your enemies as your foot stool in order to lift you higher, well above the fray, irrespective of what is aimed at or comes your way. For it matters not when you become "Stronger and Wiser" as well as knowledgeable with respect to WHO is actually calling the shots.

I Love and adore the Lord with my whole heart!

The depths of my past were not deep enough to contain me and not allow God to bring me up out of them and destroy the malicious intentions of those that were not aware of not "who I am," but, "Who's I am."

"Stronger and Wiser!"

Therefore, I will sing the Praises of the Lord for all of the days of my Life, until the consumption of my very last breath!

Residing in weakness with a community of ignorance has no place in God's Gated Community of "Stronger and Wiser."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

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