When you know the truth, ignorance is no longer applicable nor acceptable and playing that role in a forward progressing manner becomes intolerable with diminished sustainability, within the realm of the most infinite of infinite possibilities.
"I Choose To Worship"
You cannot conjure up, fabricate or divvy up the amount of praise that needs to go up, so I am compelled to give it up, before, during and after, HE, has already shown up!
"I Choose To Worship"
I've seen the bottom of the barrel, been to the opposite end of the spectrum, know what the alternative is like, a condensed version of everything that I was supposed to be.
"I Choose To Worship"
Yet HE saw past my present and delivered me from my ignorant state, how GREAT, is our GOD? Rhetorical, in fashion, but no less the most compassionate in passion because I should be in the very place that I deserved to be, exactly where my actions lead me to be.
"I Choose To Worship"
But when HE saw past my present and took me to my future, thus creating a path that even ignorance could not ignore, I began to see the most microscopic of the most infinite of infinite possibilities.
"I Choose To Worship"
To GOD be ALL the glory since the conclusion of my story should have been way back when. To the dismay of the devil and to the chagrin of his ways, I can Smile again because "I Choose To Worship," HIM.
"I Choose To Worship"
To GOD I give it all for it was not mine to begin with. I borrowed it, learned from it and returned it, to its rightful owner.
"I Choose To Worship"
I forgave myself, but not before HE forgave me, which allowed me to open up my heart, permitting me, to worship, Thee.
"I Choose To Worship"
No longer broken because HE, healed and mended!
No longer lonely because HE, comforted and befriended!
No longer weak because HE, is impeccably strong!
No longer lost because I, am no longer ambiguous to the fact that I, belong!
"I Choose To Worship"
Glory Be!
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
"All the Best, All the Time!"
Smile and Love Always!