Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


With so many uncertainties lurking, patiently waiting to plant their "Seeds of Doubt," nothing is impossible due to the fact that through HIM, "I'mPossible."

The possibilities are in abundance and through HIS audacious grace and mercy I know that, "I'mPossible."

Everything that I do is an illustration of all that was done in order to allow me to first do it myself, because "I'mPossible."

My Daughter will grow up knowing that what some may think is impossible will be proven to the contrary as her steps in HIS shadow tell her that "I'mPossible."

My Son will grow up knowing that what some may think is impossible will be proven to the contrary as his steps in HIS shadow tell him that "I'mPossible."

Since the only thing that HE cannot do is fail, I stand on the foundation of possibility with the built in assurance that because HE said so, "I'mPossible."

My life has already been outlined for me to meticulously color in between the lines with as much flavor and color as I can muster to display that NOTHING is impossible. Through HIM and because of HIM, "I'mPossible."

Everyday tell yourself that "I'mPossible."
When the clouds are hovering tell yourself that "I'mPossible."
Dig up those poisonous "Seeds of Doubt" and tell yourself that YES, "I'mPossible!"

NOTHING is impossible so long as you believe that "I'mPossible."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"I'm Thankful"

Each day is a blessing to be able to see beyond the tip of my nose and the "Forest for the Trees," which allow me a tad bit more growth than what I previously had. "I'm Thankful."

The smallest wonders instill in me the greatest joy as I plunder through trying to identify the next BIG thing, only to come to the realization that the next BIG thing is the VERY thing that has brought me this far. "I'm Thankful."

All the problems of MY day are diminished, forever vanquished when I hear how the day of my children went, making me realize the only things that are important are my life. "I'm Thankful."

Too much to not be, too many that are not, too powerful are HIS deeds to NOT be.....Thankful.

All of my tribulations become my triumphs and subsequent testimony to the goodness that HE has bestowed upon me even when I should have been better to myself. "I'm Thankful."

My continuous growth, albeit a tad bit at a time, will forever manifest itself in HE who is greater than anything that I could ever fathom. "I'm Thankful."

Know that my flaws only represent my as-yet growth and room for improvement as I make my way down the path of a better me, a stronger we, all in HE, who has brought me this far. "I'm Thankful."

Everyday, "I'm Thankful."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Monday, April 21, 2008

"You Are Appreciated"

If making a difference in someone's life grants you wings, then I easily see you soaring. If making a difference with your words of encouragement grants you peace, then you shall forever remain conflict-free.

For all that you do, "You Are Appreciated."

You remind me to call on HIM relentlessly and assure me that this shall soon pass. In a world where the pace is beyond fast, you've encouraged and shared IN my FAST. And for that "You Are Appreciated."

Growth may be optional, but for the wise it is the ONLY option and for that very reason I have enjoyed our shared growth in the seeds of yesterday that we are watering today. "You Are Appreciated."

I show you everything I've ever told you, and our time together continues to mold me in the same likeness of our only fear. Yes, "You Are Appreciated."

I'm honored to share in the joy that brings you joy, in the laughter that makes you laugh, in the smiles that make you smile and the dreams that make you dream, all confirmation that "You Are Appreciated."

For all that you do, "You Are Appreciated."

For all that you are, "You Are Appreciated."

For all of your love, "You Are Appreciated."

For what makes us, US, "You Are Appreciated."

Let their be NO ambiguity, "You Are Appreciated."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Keep Your Wits About You Corey."

Whenever I went somewhere my Mother used to tell me to "Keep Your Wits About You Corey." I could be on my way into work and she would say: "Keep Your Wits About You Corey." I would be on my way home from work and she would say: "Keep Your Wits About You Corey." I could be on my way to the gym and she would remind me: "Keep Your Wits About You Corey." Going to Starbucks and: "Keep Your Wits About You Corey." Traveling to Europe: "Keep Your Wits About You Corey." Before and during the time I was in Africa: "Keep Your Wits About You Corey." She never stopped reminding me of the things that she knew I would not forget.

She never stopped reminding me of the things that she knew I would not forget!

She never stopped reminding me of the things that she knew I would not forget!

She NEVER stopped reminding me of the things that she knew I would not forget!

Every smiling face ain't your friend! Some of those warm greetings are actually cold as ice, just camouflaged as such. What might appear as an innocent comment, inquiry, gesture or look could as easily be one of those vicious attacks that are increasingly perpetrated on a daily basis!

It is unfortunate that we live in a time where we have to militarily equip ourselves against an enemy that is well disguised, well informed and eager to destroy! Yes Mom, I am still keeping my wits about me!

I wrap my children in the Word, Knowledge and Reverence of GOD to allow HIM to shield them from dangers both seen and unseen, whether daddy is present or not. Yes Mom, I am still keeping my wits about me!

They say that defense wins championships. Well, my offensive line is the LORD and since his nickname is "Slash" expect HIM to be my quarterback "Slash" running back "Slash" blocker "Slash" safety "Slash" linebacker "Slash" cornerback "Slash" referee "Slash" COACH! Yes Mom, I am still keeping my wits about me!

Everything that I am and everything that I do will forever represent the LOVE that my Mother had for me. Yes Mom, I am still keeping my wits about me!

If you still have your Mother here, call her, go see her and tell her that yes, you are and will continue to "Keep Your Wits About You." She will know exactly what you're talking about.

Continue to "Keep Your Wits About You".....Corey

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

"$5 Dollars Daddy"

So one day I asked my son, "Do you love daddy?"
He quickly responded, "Yes daddy, I love you!"
Then I had the NERVE to ASK him: "How MUCH do you love daddy?"
He said, "$5 Dollars Daddy!"
I said, "$5 Dollars?!"
He smiled and simply said "Yes."
I smiled in return and asked, "IS THAT ALL?"
We both burst out into laughter.

Well, I laughed about it at first because I had no earthly idea that his response would be what it was. But then I got to thinking, "Corey why did you ASK him to QUANTIFY his love for you, when he already TOLD you that "YES" he LOVES you?" On a grander scheme, I started to ponder why all of us have a tendency to want to QUANTIFY love as opposed to QUALIFYING the love that we receive?
My son's response was more than adequate, yet I felt the need to know how MUCH when in all actuality the fact that he does indeed love me is all the reassurance that I need now and needed back then. I mean, I know that GOD so loves me.....and I wouldn't DARE ask HIM to quantify HIS love for me. So, why would I pose this question to my son?

Sometimes we're exactly like this! If we do not have as MUCH as we THINK we should we start QUANTIFYING what we have instead of appreciatingly QUALIFYING all that has been bestowed upon us. 
I know my son (and daughter) loves me!
I thank you son, for teaching daddy a valuable lesson that day.  Going forward, you will not ever have to worry about me asking again, "How much do you love me?"  I would hate to squander my current value! 
Be Blessed!
Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

"Hereditary Behavior"

You ever DO something solely on the strength that you witnessed your mother, father or family member do? You ever SAY something solely on the strength that you heard your mother, father or family member say? You ever FIND yourself "saying" or "doing" exactly what you "saw" or "heard" without any real "rhyme" or "reason" as to why you "did" or "said" it?

That same "Hereditary Behavior" befalls a collective group of people that has included the likes of myself and perhaps even a larger audience than one might imagine. A lot of times we become fixated on things without any or enough "requirements" or supporting "documentation" as to why. Too much of the time the only justification that we reconcile in our minds stems from the fact that we witnessed or heard someone do or say that WE now do or say. And that's it!

Carrying on family tradition is all well and fine, but passing on "Hereditary Behavior" without any UNDERSTANDING can be hindering or even detrimental to someone's success, happiness and life.

Love your momma, but UNDERSTAND why she did what she did so you can UNDERSTAND why you do what you do.

Love your daddy, but UNDERSTAND why he did what he did so you can UNDERSTAND why you do what you do.

UNDERSTAND why you do what you do!

Love your momma, but UNDERSTAND why she said what she said so you can UNDERSTAND why you say what you say.

Love your daddy, but UNDERSTAND why he said what he said so you can UNDERSTAND why you say what you say.

UNDERSTAND why you say what you say!

Once you've managed to collect all of your "requirements" and supporting "documentation," put it all together and truly UNDERSTAND. Then take it upon yourself to "Do You!"

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

"Been There"

Have you ever truly just "Been There" for someone in an unrelenting manner? Have you ever just completely and uncompromisingly just "Been There" because you were needed without having been asked? I have. Its quite the humbling experience to just give of yourself with zero expectation in return.

But what you do get in return is an experience that you will cherish for the rest of your life. Consistently making an impact where that newly filled void was quite empty, is fulfilling in and of itself. To think that you can either "knowingly or unknowingly" fill a void is a wonderful Blessing. To know that you have been "tapped to tap" someone else is an honorable mention in a thankless world.

Do remember that however you have "Been There," in whatever capacity you have "Been There," has more than likely changed a person's life from what they once knew it as to a way that they have never known.

Someone having "Been There" forever changed MY life! The "laws of reciprocity" require me to return the deed and BE that "someone" who has "Been There" to forever change someone else's life.

Even if you've "Been There" done that, I encourage you to do it again, be a Blessing and fill someones void today.

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

"Source of Inspiration"

Being a "Source of Inspiration" is not restricted to, nor limited to your inner-circle or those on the direct outskirts thereof. Being a "Source of Inspiration" is relative to ANYONE whom you should be so blessed to come in contact with. Being a "Source of Inspiration" is a "Source of Inspiration" all in itself!

I have often wondered what being a"Source of Inspiration" is all about. How does one be or become a "Source of Inspiration" without having had "formal training?" The truth of the matter is that whether you realize it or not, you have probably already been a "Source of Inspiration" to someone, somewhere along the way.

Should my "Source of Inspiration" ever teeter along the lines of "iota" I will humbly accept the fact that no matter how big or small, that I was able to positively impact, uplift and "inspire" someone to aspirations greater than they could have EVER imagined.

I pray that by the time HE calls me home that I would have been able to "inspire" someone to BE "inspired" and REMAIN "inspired" throughout their entire existence.

I pray that by the time HE calls me home that I would have been able to "inspire" someone to do everything that they said they wanted to do, thought they could never do or did not have enough audacity to put one foot in front of the other and "make it happen."

I pray that one gallon of "inspiration" is enough to fill up your tank and drive you to a small town with a big name called "Permanently Inspired."

With all the courage I possess, I pray that I may be a "Source of Inspiration" to all whom I've ever had contact with, past, present AND future! I wasn't always who I am today, but somewhere along the way, I was "inspired" to be who and what I am right now!

I pray that I may be so lucky to "inspire" that ONE, that may influence that OTHER, that will provoke that THOUGHT, that will conjure up those FEELINGS, that will stimulate those BELIEFS, that will soften up that HEART, to do all of the above and be a "Source of Inspiration" to someone else.

Residing in a town called "Permanently Inspired."

Be a "Source of Inspiration" to someone today.

I Love You Mom and I thank you for continuing to be my DAILY "Source of Inspiration."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!