I have come to discover that it is vitally important to find what you are seeking and looking for within yourself first, before you begin to seek and find it elsewhere, outside of you. This will come into heavy play when you find yourself by yourself and your mind will have you believing that you are alone, undesirable, not friendly enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not attractive enough, not funny enough, not this, not that, and the list goes on and on, should you allow it to.
During this season, God is grooming you to be reliant upon the only consistency this world will ever come to know, Him. We cannot seek out permanency within a temporal world and then turn around and wonder why the temporary did not translate into something permanent, when permanency cannot be derived from anything that is temporal.
What lasts for all eternity is the brilliancy of The Lord, irrespective of the season or chapter of Life that we find ourselves in. When we come to a better understanding of what it means to Love and to be Loved from God to us and us back unto God, we can then begin to appreciate where we are and what we are doing while we are there, for however long God has us there, doing His thing, whilst grooming us for who He needs for us to be.
I have made the Holy Spirit Conscious Decision to continue to excel in Excellence and be the absolute best version of Corey, exactly right where I am.
Becoming what you want takes time, acknowledgment, preparation and submission in order for that to come to fruition. The need to get into agreement with God and align yourself with His Plan for your Life is as paramount as breathing. We cannot survive if we cannot breathe. We cannot become if we are looking for all things permanent in a temporal place, that has not the knowledge of what it means to be permanent.
I would not want my lawyer to operate on me in an operating room and I surely would not like for my doctor to represent me in a court of law. So, stop searching for anything permanent in a temporary space. And do not expect anything temporary to adequately represent the permanency that you seek.
Continue to “Walk In Love.” The first set of footsteps that you will hear, will be those of your own.
Smile And Love Always!!!
Heavenly Father
King Jesus Christ
Holy Spirit
Smile And Love Always
All The Best, All The Time
And Still
Exactly Who God Says I Am
Corey A. Ford
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