Smile And Love Always!

Sunday, November 08, 2015


The Lord has Blessed me greater than the greatest of imaginations could ever ponder and beyond what I ever deserved. It is His Grace and Mercy that has floored me, keeping me in my postured state of humility, as He grooms my God-given abilities so that I may step right on into the direction of the foundation that He has laid down before me.

This new direction is not without correction, as I am made new each and every day, at the behest of his selection.

Who I am is solely because of Who He IS within me. I gradually move into my Purpose and Destiny without an inkling of reluctance, boldly and bravely. The unknown is made known only by His revelation by way of the Holy Spirit that resides within me. I know not nothing on my own. However, I move about with the confidence of His Sustaining and awe-Inspiring Love, that has me covered coming in as well as going out.

I move within the Grace of His Grace and in the shadows of Jesus Christ. The illumination casts down the shadows presentation making it not so, as I continue to Grow into the Glorious likeness that He sees me in. I begin to fill out the shell of my own skin after shedding the thick skin of the world, making my flesh fleshy in order for Him to mold me over.

I'm "MOVING IN A NEW DIRECTION" and I'm following in the footsteps of His Heavenly Perfection.

To see God when you see me during my Life's Purpose. For to God ALONE, be all the Glory.

Smile and Love Always!

Heavenly Father.
King Jesus.
Holy Spirit.
And Still.
Exactly Who God Says I Am. Corey A. Ford

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