They talk about you "As If" they know you, when their focus should be on the Lord.
They try to condemn you "As If" condemnation has been resurrected (Romans 8:1).
They hide behind the guise of perpetrating Holy, "As If" the cheap disguise is not transparent.
They cling to fabrications and lies "As If," the Truth has been substituted in lieu of.
They refer to themselves as leaders "As If," actions do not speak louder than words.
They plant seeds of destruction "As If," they have the power to destroy what God has Ordained.
They think that they know more than what they actually do, "As If," they have been marinated in the Truth.
They parade around in fallacies "As If," the devil is not a liar.
They stand in judgment "As If" the same measure in which they judge, will not reciprocally be used against them in the same form of judgement (Matthew 7:2).
They attempt to connect with the disconnected "As If," their absent Testimony will deliver anyone to anywhere, anytime soon.
They speak with split tongues, "As If" the Truth is comprised of strict divisiveness.
Only a fool declares his own greatness, "As If" he/she are beyond reproach.
Let the words and actions of others be not construed or intentionally confused with the Words and Actions the Lord has Spoken over your Life and demonstrated through the Blood of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus Name.
In Jesus Name.
In Jesus Name.
Smile and Love Always!
Heavenly Father.
King Jesus.
Holy Spirit.
And Still.
Exactly Who God Says I Am.
Corey A. Ford