Some people grew up without Love and use that as an excuse as to why they do not have the capacity to Love themselves, or anyone else for that matter. But, Love does matter!
Love is an activity that warrants your participation, not for the purposes of winning because if you have Love, then you have already won!
Irrespective of your personal experience and belief system with respect to how you once knew Love, I implore you to come to know a different kind of Love. The type of Love that is Truly Unconditional in its Presentation and in its Declaration, all preceded by its humbling Actions.
Believe in something that already believes in you, should you only incline yourself to yield to something Greater than yourself! Get You out of the way, so that Love can have its way. For Love will not stop at your obstinate intersection to see which direction that you indecisively decide to travel upon. If Love is not the way, then you are clearly and destructively, going the wrong way.
The road less traveled will one day be populated with like-minded individuals that wish to partake and participate in something that would provide an eternity of prosperity, when they finally come to the conclusion, thus making the decision, above all else, to believe and to act, in the name of Love.
Your new understanding will reveal the former ignorant understanding as it was, forever illustrating the contrast between the two. And as you look back over your Life, you will begin to fill in those gaping holes with what you now believe to be real Love.
It all starts with a belief, in your new system of thinking, to override the old thoughts and what you were taught and or gleaned elsewhere, bringing you here, from all the way over there.
If you have never before, it is not too late to start doing so now.
"Love, is Something to Believe In."
God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford