The exposure of each and every one of my weaknesses has provided me with the keenest sense of direction and a previously unparalleled sense of strength. Grateful to those weaknesses for exposing everything that was otherwise perceived to be exploited. God works all for the good of those that Love the Lord, that have been called according to His Purpose (Romans 8:28).
Weakness on the Lord's battlefield is exactly where the enemy will attempt to deceive you, as he compels you to perceive yourself in the weakness, that is you alone.
However, as a soldier on the battlefield, Believers are never alone, irrespective of what it looks like, contrary to what it sounds like, and infinitely beyond all that could ever be conjured against you. If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)
My strength can be found in the Lord, along with my Faith, coupled with my thoughts, demonstrative in my actions, layered in with my Purpose, aligned within the Paths of Righteousness, in the shadows of the Lord.
I serve an awesome God,
Name above all names,
Name above all names,
"Monothestically Superior"
to anything,
as He sits high,
above and beyond,
above and beyond,
In Jesus Name,
Heavenly Father.
King Jesus.
Holy Spirit.
Smile And Love Always.
All The Best, All The Time.
And Still.
Exactly Who God Says I Am.
Corey A. Ford