The lessons that come in the form of Blessings just keep coming, with no foreseeable end in sight for the wonders of the Might of The Lord. When your brokenness appears to be irreparable within your own 20/20, a Greater Vision is required in order to bring you out of the muck and mire of destructiveness.
The sanity within your calamity can be found in the Presence of The Lord God, by way of Jesus Christ, and the Impartation of the Holy Spirit.
Seeking God in everything, avails Him to direct everything our way that was meant for us, and to turn us away from and remove all that was never meant for us, according to His Will.
We resist in vain and endure the unnecessary pain and agony instead of embracing the Victory that has already been provisioned with meticulous precision.
We must learn to Seek after Him, to put all of our proverbial eggs into His Heavenly Basket, knowing that He has already worked it out for our Good. For God is eternally Good and nothing by way of man or the enemy can ever negate "The Goodness of The Lord."
For He is Faithful and worthy of all of our Praise. ReJoice in His Goodness and Praise Him all the days of your Life.
Smile and Love Always!
Heavenly Father.
King Jesus.
Holy Spirit.
And Still.
Exactly Who God Says I Am.
Corey A. Ford