Whatever comes your way, may or may not be here to stay. However, your Peace, Joy and Happiness are all yours to partake in. Sometimes, you just need to "Smile Your Way Through" the murkiness that wants to keep you thinking less of yourself and not the Greater Than, what God has already declared to Be.
Trusting in the Word of God compels us to also Believe in the Word of God. Believing in said Word is all encompassing, whether it is "convenient" for you, or not.
If your Belief is stuck on pause, press play and start making the Right choices. Namely, the choice to BELIEVE in what God has already said about you, prior to the mediocre opinions of the world. The world's view doesn't see God's Vision because it has rendered itself incapable of seeing God.
Continue to "Smile Your Way Through."
The only thing that we should ever willingly give up is our Worship and Praise to God.
Smile today for the frown that you had yesterday.
Smile today for the frowns that seek to come your way.
You never know who is watching you. So, keep pressing towards the mark and "Smile Your Way Through."
Smile and Love Always!
Heavenly Father.
King Jesus.
Holy Spirit.
And Still.
Exactly Who God Says I Am. Corey A. Ford