Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

"Happiness Ball"

As a child, there was no bigger spoiler than, and I never quite understood the person, that would get upset and selfishly take their ball and go home.  I never knew that the significance of this would become such an incredible Life lesson that would continue to give in the form of understanding what is most important in Life.

Whenever this event occurred, it was a sour moment for all that were involved, those who were participating and playing with the source of our perceived happiness.  And then, just like that, the ball and our happiness along with the owner were gone, for whatever reason, mostly and unfortunately out of selfishness.
Years later as I reflect back on this same event that repeats itself across playgrounds all around the world, I am thankful for the seed of inspiration that has been planted in order for the experience to take root and spring forth an understanding that is more rewarding than playing with that ball to begin with.  You see Life is not about what happens to you, but instead how you respond to the things that happen to you in Life.
It is easy for your happiness to be sabotaged when you are dependent upon someone else to define your happiness.
That happiness resides within you! 

By the time you arrive at Life's playground to play, your happiness should have directed and lead the way.  So, if and when that ball is taken away, it matters not because your joy and happiness are both here to stay!
The same rule applies to relationships as well.  Do not look for someone to make you happy or to complete you.  You should already be happy and complete by the time and before you even first meet.  That way you will be able to add to that happiness and have a deeper sense of completion.  You wouldn't dare turn in a paper to your teacher or professor that wasn't complete expecting them to complete it for you or on your behalf, would you?  So why would you offer yourself in the same form for someone else to complete?  Afterall, what if you did not like the results of what was completed and it was not the best representation of you?  Then you would have no one else to blame, but you.  For only you can best represent you.  No one else can do it better than you.
So, in order to avoid that, fill your own void with Love and happiness and do not allow either to be sabotaged and remain independent so no one else has the right or the privilege to define your happiness.
And irrespective of which one of Life's playgrounds that you find yourself on, you will already be in possession of your very own "Happiness Ball."  It is better than that other thing that they say you should never leave home without.

Smile and have a wonderfully happy and Blessed day!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

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