Smile And Love Always!

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Ready For Love"

I no longer LOOK for all that is already WITHIN me.

I do not SEEK out what I ALREADY have.

I do not BUY what I already OWN.

I do not FLAUNT what I do not POSSESS.

Yet I GIVE with ALL of my heart.

I am not looking for Love, for I am Love already. I am not seeking out Love, for it already resides within me. No need to purchase Love since it is free. Boastful Love is false advertisement.

The Love contained does not need to refrain from who and what it is, in order to maintain its impeccable brilliance.

The substance composed of past residue to be recycled and made anew confirms the past, affirms the present and solidifies the future.

Love is the only answer to every question.

So, I ask, are you "Ready For Love?"

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always!


Crystal said...

"Love is way more than just a man and a woman sharing the same feelings, it means to become "one" in the act"

Corey A. Ford said...

I could not agree with you more Crystal. There is nothing more beautiful and sacred than to grow WITH a person and IN that person, as one.


Robin said...

....."I am not looking for Love, for I AM LOVE ALREADY. I am not seeking out Love, for it already resides within me. NO NEED to PURCHASE LOVE since it is FREE"....WOW...Corey! That statement is soooo Genius. It's everything a person should have to keep in rhythm and oneness with themselves. Great Blog!!

Corey A. Ford said...

Thank you Robin! Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of what is already contained within us to prevent ourselves from looking for what we already have, elsewhere.