Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


During the "Homegoing Celebration," the Reverend asked, "why do WE always inform people that WE are "sorry for their loss" whenever someone's Life has come to an end? When you LOSE something, a LOSS implies that it is LOST, that you do not know WHERE it is...."

Quite the contrary when the subject is that of the children of GOD that claim HIM as their Father and HIS Son as their LORD and Savior.

Nothing is ever truly LOST that the Love of GOD cannot find or reveal to you.

The Spirit of our Loved ones is well in tact and in fact their ABSENCE, is only confirmation of their PRESENCE, with the LORD.

I know WHERE all of you are!

Not only do you live IN my heart, but your stories are read about IN my Blogs. But Glory Be To GOD that I am so fortunately Blessed to be able to remember you and use you as a form of encouragement, inspiring others to hold fast in their belief that the uncomfortable feeling of NOT having you physically around does not change the disposition or the position of your Spirit, that permeates our physical circumference.

"Angels" you are.

"Angels" you shall be, forevermore.

Rejoice in the fact that none of our "Angels" are LOST at all. We did not LOSE them, for they were on loan to begin with. The perceived LOSS is only confirmation that their ABSENCE, means that they are PRESENT, with the LORD.

They are simply, our "Angels."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

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