Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

"Memo to SELF!"

Typically, we are looking for reminders from everyone else and are dependent upon our communication devices to tap us on our shoulders so that we do not forget what we are supposed to be doing and where we are supposed to be doing it.

Well, in the form of good old fashioned accountability, it is high time for ME, YOU and US to tap ourselves on our own shoulders and to do what we need to do, exactly where we need to be doing it.

Do not get mad at someone ELSE for not reminding YOU!

Do not look for someone ELSE to do what is within YOU, to do!

You will NEVER hit a homerun, should you NEVER step up to the plate. Glory Be To GOD!

LORD knows that there will be many strikeouts during Life, but depending on your perspective and vantage point, you WILL get on Life's 1st, 2nd & 3rd bases as soon as you are supposed to, within HIS Will!

But just because it has not happened when YOU think that it should have happened, do not prohibit yourself from stepping up!

That is a "Memo To SELF!"

Sometimes you will only single, "Memo To SELF!"

Sometimes you will be able to double, "Memo To SELF!"

There will be times when you triple, "Memo To SELF!"

Then you have those rare occasions when you can achieve an in-the-park homerun! "Memo To SELF!"

At last, one good swing and the crack of that bat and the sound alone is good enough of an indication, without even having to look up, that you have knocked it out of the ballpark...FINALLY!

BUT, you will NEVER hit a homerun, should you NEVER step up to the plate! "Memo to SELF!"

Batter Up!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

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