Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Love's Address"

Just imagine being able to punch up L-O-V-E in your GPS and an actual route accompanied with step by step directions and an aerial map appear to guide you on your way. Oh, if it was that easy, automobile or not, we would all be walking around with pocket versions of any type of GPS that had such a functionality.

But back to reality and even though such a possibility is not within the realm of technology, you have to remember that Love was here FIRST and shall remain long after the demise of anyone that has ever laid claim to it.

We have been practicing the "Love rendition" all wrong. We need not look for Love at all, we only need to look within to find our way to the Love that the GPS "device" has no functionality to support.

Love does not reside at any physical location, but resides within the hearts of the person or people that take up residence in any location or situation.

"Love's Address" your heart!

Wherever your heart or the Global Positioning of your Soul (GPS), so is L-O-V-E. You are Love and how you give and receive Love is not specific to any geographic space nor demographic face, but how your heart speaks the language of Love to another heart that is so inclined to speak the same language.

Who does your heart SPEAK to?

Who does your heart LISTEN to?

You cannot GIVE Love without RECEIVING Love.

You cannot RECEIVE Love without GIVING Love.

You can try either one of the above-mentioned scenarios, but Love requires the presence of Love before Love makes the determination to FIRST show up. Otherwise, it will not work!

If you are sending Love, make sure that the return address is also Love.

If you have intentions on defrauding Love and misrepresenting what Love is all about, your transparent efforts will all be for naught. The only thing that Love knows how to do is Love.

So, pardon, as I enter L-O-V-E into my GPS, the Global Positioning of my Soul, where "Love's Address" resides, within me!

GOD is Love!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

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