Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

"Seasons Are Changing"

Every bit of every single thing that was constructed and devised in order to promote and celebrate my demise was seen and acknowledged right before His Loving Eyes. And although He allowed me to experience the process of the enemy's mess, I only saw His Magnificent Presence through it ALL.

Christ dispatched His Holy Angels to go BEFORE me, surrounding me in the midst OF, having never departed from my side, and I walked out, head held high, closer to Christ, more than I already was.

He used the enemy to demonstrate to me, not that He ever had to, but the sheer MIGHT of His Holy Presence and I walked away, not bitter, not callous, nor angry, but grateful to know that Corey was in His Presence, and "Peace Like I've Never Known" was in me, through me, shadowing me, protecting me and sans food and water, nourishing me.

Christ was Perfect in His Demonstration, that man shall not survive on bread alone, but standing on His Holy Word, will be fed and provided all that man will ever need. To READ His Holy Word is an Honor. To CONSUME His Holy Word is a Privilege. To EXPERIENCE His Holy Word is a BLESSING! And I received every bit of it, in spite of everything!

I say this to encourage you to SEEK His Holy Face, in every place, during every trial, through all tribulations, standing firm as you witness His Holy Word in action for yourself.

Seasons didn't change me, rather they made me stronger in my Discernment with Respect to revealing all that my eyes need to see, all that my ears need to hear and all that my heart could comprehend, when this particular Season showed me God like I've NEVER seen Him before!

What was meant for my harm, was met and Righteously DISARMED, by the long arm, of Christ!

A Holy Toast to the Most High God, Whom Corey belongs to! Seasons past were never meant to last. For ONLY what we do for, and in Christ, will or shall EVER last!

King Jesus is STILL on the Almighty Throne and He CANNOT be dethroned!

"Seasons Are Changing" and the next one will be within His Will and brighter than this one! And I will continue to stand firm IN Him, ON Him and FOR Him, as a demonstration OF Him, and ALL that He has done for and delivered me from! Glory Be!

Welcome New Season! I'm still here! And God still hears my cries and receives all of my Praises unto Him!

The pain only starts at the resistance of change. So just stand firm in your Faith for "Seasons Are Changing," while the Heavenly Father continues to remain the same, Faithful!

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Peace Like You've Never Known"

One day I found out that I was never waiting for it to arrive, like I previously thought. It was always right there, waiting for me to receive it. The prerequisite for its reception was the internal modification that required my attention to the matter, before it was to ever expose to me the real heart of the matter.

Having been taught an invaluable lesson, the Blessing was adamant in residing within, and being on the outskirts was simply not good enough.

Therefore, I conceded to my old ways and ushered in the new days that would yield me new results that were brought about by a renewed way of thinking.

Staking a claim to what does not rightfully bare my name is as plagiaristic as we know it to be. So, I borrowed FROM, so that it may take me TO, that Place.

This Place that does not allow you to come in as you were, and makes you even better after you have arrived. And although it is not a destination, you will not leave once the reception of your heart has welcomed it to now be and play an intimate part. There will be no need to memorize your lines, for the method to this part has become innate, an insatiable characteristic that can never be satisfied, as it takes you deeper than you ever thought it could, deeper than you've ever known it to be.

Irrespective of what is going on around you, nothing will get on the inside of you, protected by the fortress that you were not expecting, as you delight in the Joy that you now freely feel. The pain is gone. The wrong was made right. And one of the privileges of such a Place, is the acknowledgment that you will never have to fight, Again.

It is so beautiful to know that such a Place exists. There is no physical address, for it goes WITH you, wherever you are, whenever you get there, and it LEAVES with you, because it STAYS with you. *Peace* If you have never met it, an invitation to this Place has your name written on it. And where you would normally affix the return address, the only thing that you need to write is:

"Peace, Like You've Never Known"

It will get you there, because only one Place such as this, Exists.

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Claim His Name!"

People have no problem claiming frivolity on their taxes, but when the time comes to claim King Jesus or the Heavenly Father, they "claim" any and everything BUT! As for ME, I lay CLAIM to the Heavenly Father by way of His Son, King Jesus!

In a non-judgmental capacity, I challenge you to claim the ONLY name that reigns supreme across ALL borders and across ALL lands.

The Mighty and all Powerful Name of King Jesus has enabled the impossible to be the all encompassing Possible. For can we NOT do ALL things through Christ Jesus, which strengthens us? Then "Claim His Name!"

What we face alone and in defeat, can be faced Victoriously when we deposit it to Him and seek His Glorious Face in all things that attempt to destroy us in every capacity.

On a daily basis, I challenge myself to seek His Face and "Claim His Name" in all that I do and in all that is done, knowing that His Presence means that I am NOT alone, He will fight for me, and the battle has already been won!

The Son has provided me with all that I will ever need. I lay claim to nothing that can ever be replaced. I only lay claim to that, which cannot be replaced. Money and materialism comes and goes, and for some, it has already came and went. But He has given me Him, and He CANNOT be replaced!

So Jesus, I CLAIM You in the form of the Holy Spirit, in the form of Your Divine Presence and in the Majestic form of the Holy Father that sent you here to forgive, redeem and renew me, in You!

I claim every aspect of you! I concede my non-existence had it not been for You! I relinquish all of me, so that You may replenish this shell, filling it to capacity with all of You!

I cannot claim You on my taxes, but I can bring my Blessings into Your storefront and honor You for affording me the opportunity to.

I cannot consume Your flesh for the my nutritional intake and aspects of my health, but I can Bless Your Holy Name for placing before me something, MORE than bread alone, the words that can fill any insatiable appetite that hungers for more of You. Therefore, I "Claim Your Name!"

I adore You!
I claim You!
I expect You!
I need You!

Thank You Jesus for being the "soul" stakeholder in my Life! May my CLAIM to Your Holy Name always reach You, and may You Smile upon me and delight in my Love for You!

In Christ Jesus, I "Claim Your Name!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"The Weight of Glory"

Another day in which to give Praise and Thanksgiving to the Almighty, King of Kings.

As a servant of the Lord, the places that you will travel and the things that you will encounter and experience are all a part of His "Iron Sharpening Iron" process. And through it all, the Lord shall never leave your side, the Holy Spirit will impart to you all that you will ever need to say and or do, and actually go there BEFORE you arrive, in order to secure the Righteous path, that the Will of the Father can and will be done, in accordance to His Masterful Plan.

It is there, wherever there may be, that you will go with the Peace that resides within you, prohibiting you from ever feeling "alone" or snared in "fear," which is itself afraid of the presence of the Lord, hence the need to have Him within you, at ALL times.

You go in Peace, stay in Peace and together you shall remain in Peace AND in one piece. For not one finger will be lifted against the Temples that house the Spirit of the Lord.

Empty yourself and replenish the same, with the Spirit of His Holy Name.

For the burdens of the weight of the world are Victoriously outdone by the abundance of "The Weight of Glory."

Defeated not, but in Victory I stand, surrounded by God's Unflinching Glory! To God Be!

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

“We Come Away From His Presence, Changed!”

"We Come Away From His Presence, Changed!"
There I was, in a place that I did not want to be, for a reason that was unjust, but solidly in the midst of everything, was the Presence of the Lord. He compelled my presence by allowing things to unfold in a manner, from the outside looking in, was ridiculous, at best!  But what was meant for your harm, Praise God, He will use for your good, and leave the enemy confused in their own chaos!  During that time, I encountered the presence of Christ, standing firm on His Holy Word.  Standing on my knees, in prostration to the order of His Day, and not that of mine.

The silver lining in this Blessing is the fact that although I was where I did not want to be, I was not where the enemy wanted me to be.  And although they tried in vain, the pain of my weakness was deposited at the feet of Christ, where He touched my entire being and I rose from standing on my knees, to receive the full Grace, Mercy and Favor, that He would have for me.

The components to the enemy's device fell apart and Christ would later use those very same components to build a fortress around me, and compel those components to work FOR me as opposed to their original design of working AGAINST me!  If my Faith needed restoration, it had been successfully restored in the form of Victory, In Christ Jesus!

Whomever God uses to demonstrate His Awesome Might, is privileged indeed! Whatever God uses to construct the Vision of what His Ultimate Victory will look like, is Blessed indeed!  And whenever God uses His assets to demonstrate and construct His Fortress around you is timed perfectly, and without fail, successfully, indeed!

In His Holy Presence, the boldness of the enemy is foolish enough to tempt you to respond to evil with evil.  But just as Christ Himself was tempted, the Mighty and Powerful Name Alone is not only Worthy of Praise, but stronger than anything that is coming up against you, with the audacity to lure you into performing the same type of debauchery.  But Grace, for which I do not deserve, and Mercy to spare me from what I do deserve, is the True order of the day, when you are in the Holy Presence of Christ Jesus.

The impartation of the Holy Spirit guided my path by going before me, directed my steps by walking beside me, and speaking the words that would ultimately free me, from the snare of what the enemy was trying to do to destroy me.  But God! Interceding as I held on to my Faith, placing Angels around me to ward off and protect me from the spirit of fear that had no place in the Presence of God.  Whom Shall I Fear? Courageousness was all I needed to demonstrate, after having first showed up, to use me as a symbol of His Victory.  For, if it was to come THROUGH me, it would have to do so at the appointed time and place that He mandated it to be. Instead of being sought out, I showed up, and He made the impossible POSSIBLE, because in Christ Jesus, I can do ALL things through Him, which Strengthens me.

Hold on tight to your Faith.  Relinquish your grasp of it never! Continue to give God the Glory that His Majesty so deserves, and marinate in the privilege that it is to know that He is using you to show others that He is God, ALL by Himself!

After having been in, "We Come Away From His Presence, Changed!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Complete. Completely. Complete's Me."

The existence of me had nothing to do with me! Yet it had everything to do with the plans that God has always had for me. One cannot simply lay claim to something that they themselves do not "own." So, if I belong to Him, I am not even in a position to lay claim to my "own" existence!

Life on my "own" would be no more than an exaggerated microcosm, even at the greatest levels of earthly achievement. If what I were to do did not Glorify Him, it would ALL be for naught.

In Faithfully Serving God, you do a service upon yourself, that constantly reminds you of Whose you are, not what you are or who you become on your "own." What you have rendered unto yourself is nothing. And the mere thought that you are who you are because of "you" alone is a fallacy in your "own" thought process that silently begs to differ unto it is loudly proclaimed in your inevitable need for something greater than "you" and your "own" existence.

The existence of me had nothing to do with me!

Through God, I know that I am "Complete."

My Lord and Savior Loves me "Completely."

And the direction and protection of the imparted Holy Spirit "Complete's Me!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Monday, April 15, 2013

"Do Not Be Discouraged!"

Joshua 1:9

When it appears that every one of your enemies, both known and unknown, are lined up taking simultaneous and calculated shots at you, allow your Faith to waiver NOT! When parts of your past continue to rear their likeness, ugliness and wickedness unto you, turn away from the temptation of the enemy of responding in the manner in which they seek. Just because they allow the enemy to USE them, does not mean that you have to follow the same path and allow the enemy to USE you.

Wherever you go, whomever it is with, and whenever it is, know that God will be WITH you.

"Do Not Be Discouraged!"

If you were NOT of the right ilk and cut from an invaluable cloth, they would not want a piece of you. They would actually want nothing to do with you. But when your representation is built on the foundation that can withstand the evil penetration of the fabrication of truth, continue to stand on the only thing that does matter, the Truth!

"Do Not Be Discouraged!"

When former friends turn to enemies, thank God for revealing the snakes when He compelled you to cut the grass that you already thought was well manicured to begin with. See people for who and what they REALLY are, and be not dismayed when they fade to black and continue their onslaught and perpetual attacks. But know, ONLY what we do for Christ will EVER last!

"Do Not Be Discouraged!"

In the darkest and loneliest of places, Seek His Face so that He may reveal Himself to you more as you go deeper into His presence. Seeking Him halfheartedly will yield you the same results. Likewise, Seeking Him Wholeheartedly will yield the same results.

"Do Not Be Discouraged!"

Use your time in His Holy Presence as a time of reflection, an opportunity to deposit all of your weaknesses unto Him, so that you may renew yourself in His likeness and withdraw from His Strength.

The Collage of Righteousness that paints your portrait is far Greater than the "sketch" that the enemy has drawn of you.

Believe in the Faithfulness of God! He will take you THROUGH it, irrespective of however you came TO it! Whatever He allows to happen to you will only sharpen you as an asset within His Kingdom! For it is only preparation that you will undertake prior to your promotion. Consider it OJT (On-the-Job-Training)! Imagine what your resume will read like, if the Lord is training you to fight within His Army.

Therefore, "Do Not Be Discouraged!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford


I marvel at the changes that have rearranged the thought processes thus making the way for a new day, perpetrated in a new way, irrespective of what others fail to understand. For what God has for one, is not synonymous with that of another man.

Being who you are purposed to be and acknowledging the worth is far better than the comprehension outside of your reality. Your Life's purpose "IS" your reality!

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Live Up to the Sacrifice"

The Privilege to serve God is an honor that is bestowed upon those that understand what a High Privilege it is, that has been unmistakably assigned.

Oft times, our names are affixed to things that amount to anything but our contributions, in preparation to living a Life in eternity, in the presence of our Heavenly.

So stubborn we are to simply comply with the plan of the same enemy that will wind up systematically destroying you, at the same time that you help him attempt to destroy another.

The time when we resist the temptation of the devil is not nigh, but right now! What he will do to one, he will surely do to another, INCLUDING you.

May the positive, Spirit-filled Life that you lead, be the shining example that others will follow, whether or not you know it or not. For the Glory is for the Lord, so your own knowledge of your own impact is irrelevant, just keep pressing forward, continuing to always do the right thing, irrespective of the plans against you, knowing that God sees ALL, God hears ALL, and that God knows ALL! Only what we do for Christ will last! And obedience to anything other than Him, is nothing less than your compliance to your own destruction.

You seal your very own fate, the INSTANT that you choose to partner with hate! The enemy will demonstrate a couple of small victories to keep you onboard with his plan, but the ONLY victory was the demonstration of Christ at Cavalry!

Live Up.
Live Up to.
Live Up to the.
"Live Up to the Sacrifice"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Saturday, April 13, 2013

"I'll See You Later"

I kissed my Mother on her forehead and told her, "I'll See You Later," before I watched them close her casket.

I then took my seat next to her Father, my Grandfather, as I held my son in my lap, as the Pastor prepared to Eulogize my earthly Angel.

Since then, my Life has never been the same. But far be it from me, to utter discontent or complain.

Life hasn't been fair, but God has been Just and Faithful in His Word to those, His People, that are Just and Faithful to Him.

Where I stood and where I now stand, are both in firm confirmation of His Holy Masterplan, that shall not ever negate what His Will and His Purpose are for my Life.

What my eyes have seen, what my ears have heard, and what my Life has endured, have all been made clean and whole by the Potter's Hands of Reshaping, Remolding, Renewing and Rebuilding.

What is seen, heard and experienced going forth will only be what He has for me to see, what He has for me to hear, and what He has for me to partake in. All else matters not, irrespective of the source that stirs the pot.

If hands are not cleansed in Righteousness, then the culinary skills are irrelevant, for the meal will not be sufficient in the redeeming power and appetite of the Lord. To eat well, is not to live well. But to live well, will lead you to be well, and afford the opportunity for others to partake in the feast that is your Life of Holy abundance.

Feed off of the words that touch your heart and have made their way through the conduit of a servant of the Lord. Famished appetites are welcomed.

The words, "I'll See You Later" were words that echoed in conclusion to any conversation with my Mother. And in her final earthly appearance, it is those words that resonate within a body and mind that captivate my attention as I part ways with those that I Love.

Goodbye's are forever. Only what we do for Christ will last. Let those who Love the Lord hate evil. And may the words of the Redeemer live within us always. Even long after the caskets of our own existence are closed on us, and it is our Loved ones that are left to rejoice in our final destination.

Until the next time, "I'll See You Later."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Friday, April 12, 2013

"The Spirit of the Lord"

If "The Spirit of the Lord" is absent, then do not expect me to be present!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

"Almighty Powerful Blood of Christ!"

Smelling Blood in the water, the sharks begin circling the perceived to be injured, famished by their sense of weakness, as they converge upon what they think is an easy prey...but I Pray!

Only to be plucked right out of the jaws of defeat, leaving the predators wondering what happened, as the Rescued and Redeemed Rejoice in the Promises that He first made.

You see the Blood that was sensed was not the Blood of the broken, disheartened, convicted and condemned. Rather, it was the "Almighty Powerful Blood of Christ!"

The Savior lured you IN, so that He could pull me OUT, in order to demonstrate the "Almighty Powerful Blood of Christ!"

Sometimes in Life, we are being circled by the same type of sharks that sense a weakness within us. We may not be able to readily identify their type, or who they are, but rest assured, the Lord is keeping a very keen and watchful eye. When they think that they have you right where they want you, He swoops right on IN and brings you right on OUT, of the very situations that we oft times find ourselves in.

The vast majority of the time, the Savior is saving us from ourselves, but irrespective of how our situations came to be, it is His Grace and Mercy that serves us in His Loving capacity, shunning the audacity of the enemy, leaving them to the destruction of their own vices that they attempted to snare you in.

What a tangled web they conceive, when the enemy makes good on their attempt to deceive. But, who better to untangle that web of deceit, airlifting us up out from those jaws of defeat?


My Life's stage is set, the props are in place, and the finish line is already there. Lead by the Holy Spirit, I follow the script of the Author and Finisher of my Life's story! It began when HE spoke it into existence. And it will end when HE says it to be so!

There is NOTHING like the Redeeming "Almighty Powerful Blood of Christ!"

I'm here, but the Blood that the enemy senses is not the Blood that they think it is. That Blood belongs to Christ and He shed it for the Redeemed! Circle around, attack and chomp away, but know that the Father will always protect His son, and I am one of many of them.

May the cleansing power of the Blood of Christ FOREVER erase the mistakes of the past, the thoughts that are not of or like Him, and the selfish actions that contribute to placing us in those shark infested waters to begin with.

The Most High God is why I was, why I am, who I will be, what He will make me into, and the who, what, where and why, with respect to how He will use me, in order to demonstrate Him!

Whom Shall I Fear with the "Almighty Powerful Blood of Christ" covering me: wherever I go, whatever I do, whomever it is with, whenever He declares it to be? Absolutely no one!

Thank You Jesus!!!

I live because You shed Your Blood and died! You took my place on the Cross and imparted the same Blood to cover me through my Life's journey. Sense my weakness, and endure defeat. My Strength is from the "Almighty Powerful Blood of Christ," and I prostrate myself UNWORTHILY, and directly at His feet. So, if you ever want to see me, you will have to come into His Presence, in order to find me. I'll be one of the many, covered in the "Almighty Powerful Blood of Christ!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Monday, April 08, 2013

"Get Reconnected and Stay Connected!"

The enemy understands that he is on borrowed time that he already knows that he cannot get back nor pay back, hence the reasons why he is desperate in his attempts to steal your time, kill your joy, and at the very least, to bring destruction upon you.

And there He is, the Author and Finisher, completely interceding on our behalf, with victory already secured, the One that has never lost a battle and is undefeated in everything that He already knows to be true, by way of the Father, imparted by way of the Son, and reminded to us by way of the Holy Spirit.

To say that we are ill-prepared just serves as a personal reminder that we are currently disconnected from the Source of ALL of our Strength, although the Source is never disconnected from us. There is no "off switch" that was rendered in our situations, rather an internal "on switch" that compels us to re-engage our Source, from which all power flows. Whenever we realize our devices are running low, we do our absolute best to reconnect them to an energy source that can Save them from dying. If we were to only treat ourselves with the same amount of Love and respect that we do our devices, then the Love and respect from the vices of Life would have no bearing or relevance in how we live our lives.

When your strength is feeling low, "Get Reconnected!"

Should your strength already be high, "Stay Connected."

If you know that you are disconnected, humble yourself and "Get Reconnected!"

Make a daily mental note to turn your internal power source on to the external Source of ALL Power.

If He got up from the grave, then we can surely get on our knees, give thanks, deposit our weaknesses, withdraw from His Strength and Rise up from our predicaments! Only, if we "Get Reconnected and Stay Connected!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Thursday, April 04, 2013


In everything that you do, let it be a reflection of the Love that resides with you. Your actions will reveal the true intentions of your heart. So, do not surprise yourself, by Loving only in parts, but, "wholeHEARTedly!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"With Love in My Heart and Jesus on My Mind!"

I woke up this morning, "With Love in My Heart and Jesus on My Mind!"

On my knees, I thanked my Savior for another Glorious day, "With Love in My Heart and Jesus on My Mind!"

I worked out, "With Love in My Heart and Jesus on My Mind!"

I got ready for the day, "With Love in My Heart and Jesus on My Mind!"

I drove to work, "With Love in My Heart and Jesus on My Mind!"

I will traverse through the day, "With Love in My Heart and Jesus on My Mind!"

Two constants in my Life that thankfully will not ever change!

And tomorrow, God Willing, "With Love in My Heart and Jesus on My Mind," I will do it all over again. If for no other reason than to flatter Him, by imitating His Perfect Love, and my Love for Him, "With Love in My Heart and Jesus on My Mind!"

Thank You Jesus!!!

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

"Don't Look Back, And Keep On Moving!"

In order for us to look back, we are compelled to hinder our forward progression.

In order to continue with our forward progression, we must not allow ourselves to feel compelled to look back.

Easier said than done, but if you have already moved on, essentially, you have already won! Do not return to the loss when you were lost, for you have already endured enough L's, if you were to only tally the cost.

Allowing someone or something to determine your value is indicative of the fact that they themselves are uncertain of their very own worth. Their ambiguity has absolutely NOTHING, to do with your reality.

Confusion and chaos are not the order of any day, when you are being lead by a Spirit that is DETERMINED, to have its way.

You cannot trip over what is BEHIND you, if you are continuing to move forward with what is in FRONT of you.

The future's only recognition of the past, comes in the form of experience. Do not mark your past as present, when it shouldn't even be on the attendance sheet. One does not hold on to the keys to their old car that they sold, in hopes that they can re-drive it again one day. So do not hold on to the things of the past, in hopes that you can re-live it again one day.

Keep pressing onward with your Life's Purpose. And if you do not know what that Purpose is, inquire within yourself and ask God to reveal it to you. He Will!

Your only prerequisite, if you will, is to "Don't Look Back, And Keep On Moving!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford